8 Bad Things Every Nigerian Has Probably Done


You can be the nicest person in the world and a little bit of meanness will occasionally sneak out.Don’t believe me? INFORMATION NIGERIA brings to you in this piece 8 bad things every Nigerian has probably done.

Hung up on a Partner

It’s bad manners and it usually makes things worse but it’s so tempting sometimes, isn’t it? Besides, there are times when the best point you can make involves hanging up the phone.

Borrowed Something and Ruined It

This is only mean if you ruin the item purposely.

Borrowed Your Bestie’s Favorite Shirt Without Their Consent

Bestie, partner, parent  you know you steal clothes without asking and probably return it back before they notice.

Lied … a Lot

There is almost nobody in this life who has never told a lie before.

Reset Your Roommate’s Alarm to Make Them Late

You possibly deserve to get punched right in the face if you did this.

Prank Called Someone

Called somebody on the phone and you change your voice just so to pull a prank on the person.

Unkindly Forced Someone to Wake up Way Earlier than Necessary

If you do this to anyone, ever, you are the devil and I do not want to be friends with you.

Gossiped about Someone

You probably have gossiped about a colleague, a friend, a mutual acquaintance or someone.