13 Times Nigerians Showed Zero Chill For Nigerian Police



To help you kick start the fun this weekend, INFORMATION NIGERIA brings you 13 hilarious tweets that show many Nigerian have no love for the Nigerian police.

 1.When police become your personal secretary

2.And some people are even willing to disown their blood if they join police

3. When the reason to love the police is blatantly missing

4. When you wonder why they act the way they do

5. OK, lets stop having a police force already kind of person

6.When police becomes your mechanic

7.When bribery is in their blood

8. When they become team Fast and Furious 

9.There favourite slogan

10. When they create their own fuel scarcity 

11.When iPhone makes you an automatic yahoo boy

12. Whats fair is fair

13. How they swiftly solve crime