Popular OAU Professor “Richard Akindele” Involved In Sex-for-Mark Scandal (Audio Listen)

A Popular OAU Professor and Pastor by name ” Richard Akindele” was recorded during a phone call with a female student.

According to their conversations that was leaked by an unknown female student of the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo university, whom the same Prof. Akindele was requesting to have tones of Sex rounds with because she did score an F in a course.

It was deduced that The said Prof. Akindele furthermore requested of her 5-times sexual pleasure(5 different Sex time) and also stated that Some other ladies who had the same issue with the unknown female student had concurred and he has served them their grades after satisfying his sexual pleasures. The unknown student actually declined his offer at the end of the conversation and she should be commended for her honesty.

Listen To Their Conversations Below:

Source – Nairaplus


  1. So what are the possible solutions to the issue?
    · Blind marking
    · External review of grading process
    · Cameras in Lecture halls and corridors
    · Publicly available records of all meetings between lecturers and students
    · Ban on lecturers visiting student halls
    · Temporary removal of coursework
    · Criminalisation of grades for sex (for the instigator)

    Culled from Rahmon Ojukotola