Application for Urhobo Progress Union America (UPUA) Scholarship in DELSU is on

UPUA 2012/2013 SCHOLARSHIP This is to inform students of Urhobo origin of the Delta State University, Abraka that the Urhobo Progress Union America (UPUA), a charitable organization, is set to award scholarship to indigent Urhobo students of the University.

This gesture of the organization stems from its effort to improve the quality of Urhobo human capital development through education. The UPUA is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary and educational purposes to assist Urhobo students of educational institutions by providing financial aid and scholarship to enable them improve and develop their capabilities for the benefit of Urhoboland and the world at large.

Eligibility All Applicants must:


1. Demonstrate academic industriousness with at least an average score of grade “B” (or its equivalent) in all subjects within the preceding two semesters.

Note: Written proof of scores must be submitted with the scholarship application form.

2. Be already enrolled at DELSU and just have completed at least two semesters. Note: those still seeking admission are not eligible.

3. Be Urhobo by birth either paternally or maternally.

4. Demonstrate a dire need for financial assistance without which the student cannot complete the university programme.

5. Must NOT be a relative of any staff of DELSU.

6. Must NOT be a relative of a member of UPUA’s Executive committee or UPUA”S Board of Trustees.

7. Must NOT be a relative of any Urhobo person who resides abroad particularly in North America.

NOTE: “Relative” above includes all individuals within the degrees of blood relationship up to maternal or paternal third cousins. Interested applicants are to collect application forms from the:

Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Admin.),
Delta State University, Abraka.

For more undergraduate and postgraduate  scholarships opportunities, visit :