[Advice Needed] Should I leave my boyfriend for another guy who is ready to marry me?

My boyfriend and I are young graduates. We started dating from the university. I got a job in February, but he is not working yet. We do love each other greatly. However, my parents want me to get another person who is financially buoyant and settle down with him immediately. This is because I am getting older by the day, I am 27 years old. There is this guy that likes me too and my parents like him, he is working as well. I am confused here, I love my boyfriend and I don’t know if I should leave him now, because my parents gave me an ultimatum to marry in the next three months. Should I go ahead with the other guy who is working?
Awaiting your response.

Dear ADZ,
Every one is the master of their fates. You know what you want. You love the first guy who is not working yet. True love waits. Things might work out well for your boyfriend tomorrow, this is the time you should support and encourage him. Remember – In marriage, its going to be about you and your spouse. Do not rush, take your time and settle for the best. Let patience be your watchword.

