138 School Principals Sacked In Enugu Over Falsification Of Age


Enugu State Government has sacked one hundred and thirty-eight Chief Supervising Principals, CSPs, recently appointed for various schools in the 17 local government areas of the state for allegedly falsifying their ages.

The CSPs have been compulsorily retired by the government. A list was released yesterday with the names of those affected and was pasted on the notice board of state Post Primary School Management Board, PPSMB.


Some of them were said to have spent between five years and above after attaining their official retirement age due to falsification of records.

It was learnt that most of those elevated to chief supervising principals by the PPSMB on the directive of the state Ministry of Education, were so reluctant to accept their new positions and postings because of the huge income they expected to rake in from new students’ admission this term.

The PPSMB, however, insisted that they must comply with the directive and compelled them to update their records. While doing that, the affected persons allegedly falsified their ages in order to spend more years in service even when they were due to retire soon.

Some of the appointed Principals had alleged that they parted with huge sums of money to influence their appointments and having allegedly greased the palms of the officials in-charge went ahead to falsify their documents to enable them remain in service fraudulently.

But following discreet investigations into their claims particularly as it affects their date of birth and years spent in service, it was discovered that the affected persons falsified their ages.

Sources said that more of the identified culprits would be sent packing as the 138 CSPs published are in the first batch. [Vanguard]