Creators Of Star Wars Partner On Nollytoons

The Parousia Company  producers of ‘’Nollytoons’’ the first 3D animated TV series in Africa recently brokered a partnership deal with one of the best animation schools in USA Digital Animation and Visual Effects (DAVE) school Orlando Florida creators of Star wars:the solo adventures. The partnership is in alignment with it’s vision of applying world class standards to local content.

An official statement released on October 31 2013 by Michael Keith director of career service for DAVE school confirmed the deal which provides The Parousia Company with skilled animators and seasoned Directors to help in the production of Africa’s first TV series.

Wisdom Intoto creative director of The Parousia Company says ‘’…the move will not only cause an industrial revolution it will invent the wheel’’. A CGI series created by Wisdom Intoto and produced by The Parousia Company in collaboration with Digital Animation and Visual Effects(DAVE) School, Orlando Florida, USA and Flipsyde Studios Lagos Nigeria. It stars the caricatures and voices of Nollywood’s A-list actors. Imagine your favorite Nollywood actor as a 3D animated character performing feats, the kind they would naturally not do as live action characters due to story compromise as a result of budget constraint.


Nollytoons represents the expectation you, I and every other Nigerian living here or in  diaspora has for Nollywood. That one day Nigerians in their numbers would flock to the cinemas to watch big budget movies produced under the auspices of Nollywood. Movies with great story lines, that create memorable characters with great personalities. Characters that that fit into the African story situation and still have a global appeal, characters that will equal the likes of ’ Jack Sparrow, James Bond, Lara Croft, Sherlock Holmes’ in their own right.

Nollytoons projects this anticipated content quality in animated form, exploring African folklores, personifying myth and legends such as Sango the Yoruba god of thunder, Queen Amina of Zaria, Madam Koi Koi, the Bush Baby and childhood characters Ali and Simbi. Nollytoons is Africa’s animation industry in miniature. This industry is built around the caricatures and voices of the people who make up Nollywoods A-list.

As film technology improves and animation perfects her process finding faster and better means of developing her picture there is every possibility that live action characters could be replaced by their animated version like the Lucas film Star Wars, a prequel trilogy to Clone Wars the CGI version of the TV series and recently Avatar. The live action characters are replaced with their animated “clones” (Samuel L Jackson, Mark Hamill etc.). Nollytoons is wrapped around a portfolio of genres with different titular heads.

You can watch the preview by clicking on this link You can also see the preview on Ontv and Galaxy Television from March 2013.

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