Reps Decry Poor Air Conditioning System At Lagos Airport, Promise Better Oversight In 2014


The House of Representatives’ Committee on Aviation yesterday decried the poor air conditioning system at the Murtala Muhammed Airport in Lagos.

The cooling system at the nation’s foremost airport has often been a source of concern for air travelers, who use the facility.

Last month, it was reported that four passengers, who arrived the Lagos from Atlanta in the United States of America, collapsed due to excessive heat at the arrival hall of the airport terminal.

Chairperson of the committee, Nkieruka Onyejeocha said the committee would in the New Year, do better in its oversight function, adding that there were many complaints from Nigerians about the Aviation sector in 2013 to be addressed in 2014.

“Nigerians should expect more proactive oversight. This means that what most people complained of in 2013 in the sector would be addressed in 2014”.

She, however, hailed the remodeling of airports across the country even though she admitted that a lot needs to be done at the international wing of the Lagos Airport.

“Many people during Christmas entered this international airport in Lagos and are still sweating inside the terminal building, because the air conditioning system is not working properly.

“This is not right, how much will it take us to get our air conditioning system right and so many other things”.

She also affirmed that her committee had submitted its recommendations to government on the bullet proof cars purchased by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) for the Minister of Aviation, Ms. Stella Oduah.

The House approved the committee’s recommendation that the President should “review the appointment” of Oduah.

“Our work ended with the submission of the report on the floor of the House. We have finished our own work. It is left for the executive to do its own”, she said.


  1. We Nigerians are sick and tired of the way the so called our government are running the country,I don’t know why they don’t have shame in their life,they all visit abroad every time, they have seen by themselves why can’t they make our country like those country? if not for their selfish interest, In fact we the citizens are ashamed of our airports and other ugly things that is within the country. In other parts of the world they renovate the old ones and so they build new things,in in our country it doesn’t exist because they are busy Pilling up our money in their way house forgetting that they will die one day and leave the money. Nigeria is the only country the world that is using fan in their airports instead of air conditioning,yet they remain so bored calling themselves giant of African I don’t know what makes them to be giant, is it by corruption? (Note:one thing that I know is that they will never go unpunished.