UNN Workers Protest Sack Of Governing Council Chairman

Residents of the university town of Nsukka, woke up Wednesday morning to the largest demonstration of

Members of staff of the University of Nigeria Nsukka, UNN, have protested en masse, the suspension of the Chairman of the school’s governing council, Governing Council, Prof Emeka Enejere.


Academic and non-academic workers of both Nsukka and Enugu campuses converged on the campus in a spontaneous peaceful demonstration to demand the reinstatement of Enejere.

They chanted songs saying it was the Vice Chancellor, Prof Bartho Okolo, instead, who should be sacked.

Some members of staff addressed the press at the Freedom Square, they however, dispersed, promising to return for daily demonstrations until the Council Chairman was reinstated and other ills of the university which they alleged originated by Prof Okolo were corrected.