5 Warning Signs You are in a Depressing Relationship

Do you feel that your relationship is making you depressed? Or, are you getting into a relationship that you are not too sure of?
Well, if you have these doubt running through your mind, then you need to start looking at various aspects of your partner or potential partner’s nature and personality to determine whether this relationship is healthy for you or not. When we spoke to a few people who had or have been facing problems in their relationships, there was something we found common in them. They all had the warning signs in front of them, and had either been ignoring or overlooking them for long.

So, here are a few relationship red flags that you must be looking for if there is a trouble brewing in your love paradise. These are signs that you are indeed in an unhealthy relationship, and it is best that you either end things soon or look for counselling.

#1. Temper outbursts
If your partner has temper outbursts at every little thing that goes wrong, then something is indeed wrong. Also, these outbursts need not be directed at you. It could be about other people or even things as well.
As Neha Khattani, a software developer by profession, says, “My ex used to lose his temper at the drop of the hat. Everything from my friends messaging me when I was out with him to his favourite team losing a match, everything sparked his temper. Initially I thought that he is either being too possessive or passionate about things, but it slowly turned into bigger things, like swearing and throwing things around.”
Yes, temper at times is ok and justifiable, but if it is happening far too often, then that is a definite red flag. It can also be a sign that your partner is unhappy and their unhappiness will definitely start affecting you, too.


#2. Possessive and controlling nature
Is your partner over possessive about you to the extent of calling you multiple times in a day, not allowing you to meet any people of the opposite sex or extremely jealous of your past relationships? Well, then it is time you have a talk with them. Also, if you feel that your partner is always holding the steering wheels of your relationship and your life, and if he or she forces you to make changes in your lifestyle just to make them happy, then it is time you put your foot down.

#3. Insults and bickering
Does your partner keep looking for ways to incite a fight, and keeps bringing up past issues every now and then? Or, does your partner constantly demean you in front of other people or crack constant jokes about you, your weight or maybe the work that you do? If yes, then this is a red flag in rising!

#4. Jealousy and lack of trust
An important pillar of a healthy relationship is trust. If your partner is constantly jealous of your acquaintances and keeps calling you to check your location, then it quite apparent that he or she doesn’t trust you. What’s more? If their jealousy and lack of trust makes them go snooping in your professional life or social media, then it is a sign that a red flag has been raise. You should not forget that a relationship cannot survive if you don’t trust each other.

#5. They are critical about your family or friends
If your partner dislikes your family or friends excessively, to the point of avoiding them at all costs, then you really need to ask yourself where your relationship is going.

Source: Bollywoodshaadis.com