Islamic State Is Our Top Enemy – Saudi Grand Mufti

Saudi Arabia’s highest religious authority has condemned the armed groups Islamic State and al-Qaeda as apostates and labelled them the “number one enemy of Islam”.

The country’s grand mufti, Abdulaziz al-Sheikh, said on Tuesday that terrorism, which he accuses the groups of committing on a systematic scale, had no place in Islam’s ideology.

“Extremist and militant ideas and terrorism which spread decay on Earth, destroying human civilisation, are not in any way part of Islam, but are enemy number one of Islam, and Muslims are their first victims,” he said in a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency.


The Saudi government has been a main supporter of rebels battling Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, but has funnelled arms and money away from Islamic State and al-Qaeda, and towards other opposition groups in the country.

The Islamic State, which according to recent reports has tens of thousands of fighters, has seized control over large parts of Syria and Iraq, where they have been accused of committing mass atrocities against civilians.

Al-Sheikh’s statements came a almost a year after he urged Saudi citizens to not travel to Syria to take part in the more than three-year-long conflict.

The grand mufti, appointed by the Saudi king, also warned preachers against encouraging young men to fight in Syria during their sermons, after delivering what the paper said was a lecture on “deviation among the youth” at a mosque.


  1. What ashame is this????…..what hppen to the people of GAZA, have u ever condemned The killing of innocent peoples of gaza??? Why are u put ur dirty mouth in this case???……pls stop under estimting our minds we all know where. U heading to….May Allah guide us in a right way.

  2. Aynun abi na wetin u call urslf. hein b like say u b part of boko haram, bcos wit ur statement if dem gve u chance u go follow bcome suicide bombers. U don’t know dat ds serial killin n bombings in syria, iraq, Nigeria by Al-qaeda, al-shabab, boko haram s stainin Islam, or s ur own Allah a ‘bloodsucking’ or s ur Allah different from d one Albdulaziz Al-sheik s serving. U talk abt Gaza, u shld know from day one that s if u r current dat d Isrealians are world power,d Americans do not pass deir boundaries wen talking abt Isreal. Isreal don’t look for troubl bt if u dsturb dem dey’ll show d stuff dey ar made of. And u know u ji’hadist u like lukin for trouble.Why did d palestine Hamas kill Isreal’s 53 soldiers and 3 civilians initially. Since islam luv ji’had ,u’v seen isreal in action bcos if dey gve u guyz chance, u will destroy Isreal n u know isreal are not soft meat. So Aynun get dat into ur ‘bloodsuckin mind’. Sheik Abdulaziz s speakin on u pple’s behave, u r there talkin rubbish meaning dat all muslims in Nigeria support Boko haram to b killin Innocent souls. But remember God said ‘Vengeance s mine’ Av u ever asked urslf why dere s d increase of ppl wit Leprosy in Northern side. All d blood Boko haram ar sheddin all in d name of Islam ,God will AVENGE