India Builds and Tests It’s First Domestic Cruise Missile


India has test-fired its first domestically built nuclear-capable cruise missile as it seeks to build its military capabilities.

The “Nirbhay’, or “fearless”, missile was fired from a mobile launcher in Chandipur in the eastern state of Orissa on Friday, the Press Trust of India news agency reported.


A man identified as a senior government official by the agency said the launch was “totally successful”.

The NDTV news network said the missile had a range of about 1,000km.

The missile’s first test-launch, in March 2013, had to be aborted midway after it veered off course.

In 2012, India successfully launched its nuclear-capable Agni V ballistic missile, which has a range of more than 5,000km.

Many of its missile systems have been developed with foreign co-operation.