Jonathan’s Govt Becoming Allergic To Democratic Values – Shehu Sani

Shehu_SaniThe President of the Kaduna based Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria, Comrade Shehu Sani has accused President Goodluck Jonathan of becoming averse to democratic values and ethos of freedom.

He also said the nation was gradually sliding toward totalitarianism and asked Mr. Jonathan to halt it.

The rights activist also described last week’s police siege to National Assembly as unwarranted.

Sani, who made the observations in a statement, condemned the government’s increasing resistance to the Rule of Law.

He said: “Unfolding events points to a visible symptoms of tyranny and a retrogressive slide to totalitarianism.

“President Jonathan’s government is becoming allergic to democratic values and ethos of freedom.

“The legitimacy and validation of an elected government is predicated upon its total conformity to those principles under which it was established.

“The increasing resistance to the rule of law by the Federal Government and the criminal trespass on our fundamental rights by security agents of the state symbolizes a dark cloud of authoritarianism hanging over the sky our beloved nation.

“We fought bitterly to restore democratic rule in Nigeria. We went to prison to restore democratic rule in Nigeria, we will not fold our arms and watch our nation slide back to sadism”.

On the incidence last Wednesday at the National Assembly, which saw some lawmakers scaling the gate to gain access to the House of Representatives chambers, Sani said: “The raid on the National Assembly by the Nigerian police stands unreservedly condemned. The National Assembly represents the soul of our democracy and the raid represented an unwarranted strike on our very soul.

“The assault was a political sacrilege and a desecration of such an important democratic institution.

“The raid demonstrated the degree of desperation and abuse of power by the Jonathan led government in his rabid bid to succeed himself.

“Since 1999 no government has so brazenly and criminally used, misused and abused the state apparatus like the existing one”.

He also faulted the raid by the Department of State Services on the data centre of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Lagos.

He said: “The assault on the APC secretariat in Lagos also stands unreservedly condemned. The police, the army and the ex-militants’ vote alone cannot reelect the incumbent government”.