Pakistan Policeman Hacks Man to Death For Alleged Blasphemy


Just two days after a Christian couple was lynched over blasphemy in Pakistan, 55-year-old Tufail Haider has been hacked to death in the same province over derogatory  remarks he made about the companions of the prophet Muhamad. ABC world news has more:

Tufail Haider, 55, was taken into custody late on Wednesday in the city of Gujrat after a group of people allegedly overheard him making the remarks, beat him up and handed him over to police.

“Officer Faraz Naveed brought him to the police station and sent him to lock-up. Haider did not stop using nasty words about Sahaba (the companions) despite warnings from various officials,” police officer Khurram Shehzad said.

“At around 5:00am, Naveed could not control his emotions. He went into his cell, brought an axe, entered the lock up and hit Haider’s throat several times.”

Mr Haider died on the spot, police said.

On Tuesday, in another part of Punjab province, a mob beat a Christian married couple to death and burned their bodies in a brick kiln for allegedly desecrating a Koran.
