55-year-old man docked for allegedly raping three-year-old

One Mr. Lateef Raheem has been  arraigned before a Chief Magistrate Court sitting in Ebute Meta, Lagos  for allegedly raping a three-year-old girl (name withheld).

Mr. Raheem who is  55 year old  was said to have committed the crime on February 21, 2017, at Ekesra Street, Etegbin, Shibiri, Lagos.

The accused is facing one count charge of defilement punishable under Section 137 of the Criminal Law of Lagos Nigeria 2011.

The mother of the victim, whose name was not disclosed, said her daughter complained of pains in her private part while she was bathing her, adding that she told her the pains were caused by ‘Baba,’ which led to the accused person’s arrest by police officers.

According to the mother of the Victim, “It was on Monday, as I was bathing my child and wanted to wash her private part, she started complaining of pains, and I asked her what happened, why her vagina was paining her.

“She said it was one Baba. I asked her which Baba? She said Baba that use to drive Okada (a commercial motorcyclist). And this was happening around 10 p.m.”

The woman said her daughter took her to Mr. Raheem’s house the next day.

“When I saw the man, I said to him, ‘Baba thank you very much, anytime you see my daughter around, please chase her away.

“And the Baba started raising his voice at me, saying ‘What is it? Did I touch your daughter?

So because of that I called my brother and reported the matter to him. My brother reported to the police and Baba was arrested”

The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge.

The Magistrate, T.A Elias, granted him bail of N25,000 with two sureties and adjourned the case till March 29 2017.


  1. It’s really amazing how the “men” in Nigeria are turning into wild wolves. It’s increasingly becoming a culture, routine, an attitude, a Iife style or whatever you may think of. It’s now a common topic or news that is heard and no action or justice is being taken; and it is overlooked why because we are not the ones affected but we seem to forget that our loved ones, our future leaders, mothers, wives, firstladies and Nation builders are the ones affected and once they’re affected we are also affected because they are part of us, they are our blood.

    How can a man that is grown, educated and most time well groomed have the mind to defile a girl that is underage, I mean a minor. This is a disgusting, annoying, mischievous and rebellious act. Tell me what kind of pleasure, fantasy or satisfaction will you get?

    A little girl that calls you, uncle, brother and even father, a girl that is pure, innocent and harmless. A girl that loves, trust and believes in you, a girl that rely on you, look up to you and has confident in you. A girl that takes you as a role model, a family, friend and the most touching “daddy”. What kind of father are you? That you will look into your daughter’s eyes and boldly defile her, what kind of man are you to abuse that your niece, friend’s daughter or younger sibling with joy? Without considering the pain both physical and psychological that this little girl will go through in life. You may say it’s just once but that once lives on with them forever. No matter how hard they try to erase it off their mind it will never be forgotten.

    I write with pain in my heart and empathy for our little girls that are being abused, defiled and destroyed by these nonentities, he-wolves in human clothings. I am sorry if this sound insolent but I have to tell the truth and speak for our little angels reason being that, their health, state of mind and life are all important and should be guarded so they can fulfil purpose and live happily.

    To all the men, if you are still doing this, please and please stop it. If you are thinking of giving in to such act please rethink, have a new mentality and stop it. If you’ve done it once or beforehand, I am pleading with you to please stop and repent of this evil act. If possible look for ways to heal the little girl.

    To everyone, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, friends, neighbours, fathers and mothers; please let us join hands to protect and save the lives of our lovely ones.

    Stop immorality !
    Save our Queens!
    Save our First ladies!
    Save our Girls!!