Career Insights Begins Empowering Nigerians With Digital Skills to Compete in today’s Digital Economy

The average Nigerian graduate stumbles through processes just because he has to. In high school, only a handful of students have access to career counsellors who can guide them at the early stages of choosing prospective careers.

University education is mostly a next logical step with most people picking their majors without all the necessary considerations. Shielded from the realities of a cutthroat employment market, the average Nigerian graduates from the University with all the wrong notions.

He is quickly confronted with a few realities.


Work Experience Is the most useful commodity out here, however as we now live in the digital age, being equipped to not just survive but thrive in a digital economy becomes paramount to career success.

Not a lot of employers want to go the route of training graduates. They want experienced professionals and they want them by the boatload at the snap of their hands. A lot of job seekers try to circumvent this problem by applying for Masters programs and professional certifications but they become over qualified with no practical work experience.

Two years in, they are armed with more certifications than experience, the problem persists. 

The Career Insights Solution:

Career Insights has approached the problem differently, going above and beyond providing training on Digital Project Management and Business Analysis. Career Insights aims to ensure young graduates & professionals as well as people looking for a career switch can gain invaluable digital expertise and experience while they learn on the job.

The key is the ability to quickly adapt and offer Flexibility:

Work experience and on the job training can be done on their flagship platform- eWorkexperience, ensuring candidates can learn at their own convenience or they  could just walk into the company’s  DigiHub centre in Ikoyi. A huge part of the candidates learning will be working on actual digital projects to ensure it’s not just a load of theoretical learning.

Be Mentored by those already in the market:

A crucial part of success is effective mentoring. Who best to give you a hand and help you move up the career ladder than someone who has been where you are and now where you want to be. Candidates are assigned to mentors who are already industry experts in the digital field but once used to be candidates.

Live Digital Projects:

Digital Bananas Technology is a UK based company offering digital solutions to the UK and emerging market. The parent company of Career Insights. Candidates will have the opportunity to gain international work experience from the convenience of their homes while collaborating with 3,000+ UK professionals as they analyse, design, develop and deploy digital transformation initiatives focusing on the added value of big data/ analytics, cloud computing, mobile and social business.

With the experience gained candidates can work for multinationals in Nigeria, work abroad or gain enough experience to launch their own digital business of next innovative app.

To date, Career Insights has helped over 4,000 Nigerians secure high paying digital roles in the UK and their recent success story in Nigeria is a graduate who secured a digital business analyst role with HSBC UK from Nigeria.

Want to learn more about how they can help you? check them out at: 


Our 4,000 success stories point to the fact this works. After all, the proof of efficiency is in results. Each year Career Insights parent company, Digital Bananas Technology holds the DBT Awards, rewarding success and celebrating excellence in the UK you can watch the first one in 2014 here

and watch the subsequent years on their website:

Get started for free by registering on or call them directly on (08026194849)

If you are based in the UK, call on: (02038903449 )

Career Insights | Experience in Project Management & Business Analysis

Are you ready to earn up to £500 a day? | Career Insights

Secure your first role paying up to £500 a day with hands on training and practical work experience from Career Insights and Digital Bananas Technology.