Your victory has left majority of Nigerians in mourning – Nigerian senator

Senator Ben Bruce has said that President Muhammadu Buhari’s reelection victory has cast a dark Shadow in the nation, leaving many Nigerians in mourning mood.

President Buhari beat the People’s Democratic Party,PDP candidate for the election, Atiku Abubakar with over 4millions votes, to retain his position.


The senator from Bayelsa State said that the victory of the president, rather than cause jubilation, has left a majority of Nigerians in ‘mourning mode’. Speaking further, he said votes can be rigged but not people’s mood.

His words: They announce your ‘win’ and it is as if a majority of the nation is in mourning mode. That ought to tell you something. You can rig votes, but you can’t rig the public’s mood.


  1. Yes Ben, you are quite correct, PMB Victory have left the Looters, the riggers and all the cabals of eviel tidings in Nigeria frustrates and mourning. They are all going to jail for looting our country dry. All our looted money must be recovers Back.
    That’s why PMB victory have left all of them mourning.

  2. Ben is correct. But do they care? You don’t force people to like you. Leadership they said is from God. Watch and see the end. Everybody kept quite as if its a mourning day, that quiet speaks doom for the country. People pretends that its well but the reality reanmain in the irony. He who has ear let him hear? The stage have gone past, by brother, sister, religion, tribe or what have you but ‘LEADERSHIP’ people’s will or mandate. Remember, “If you cook for the Masses, they will surely winish it but when the Masse cook for you ewooooooo. I raise my case.