‘You Are Inviting Witches If You Have A Baby Shower’ – Counsellor Charlotte Oduro

'You Are Inviting Witches If You Have A Baby Shower' - Counsellor Charlotte Oduro
Counsellor Charlotte Oduro

Controversial Ghanaian relationship counsellor, Charlotte Oduro has again gotten many tongues wagging after she shared her thoughts on baby showers.

In an interview with Asempa FM, Charlotte says that Africans are copying foreign things and living their lives like God doesn’t exist again.

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“When ladies marry these days they do not think about prayer. They think about the bridesmaids they will get, the best men they will get and later the baby shower…I don’t know where that thing is coming from. Now we are picking the foreign things and we inviting witches around”, she said.

“We are putting Christ aside and we are living our lives that is why we are seeing what we are seeing because we think God doesn’t exist again. We think we have our right to do what we are doing…my dear before you came to this world God was already there”, she added.