Here Is A List Of Nigerian Foods That Cause Miscarriage

Here Is A Of Nigerian Foods That Cause Miscarriage

Pregnant women should avoid some common Nigerian foods that can cause miscarriage. These foods are beneficial to human beings, but they should not be eaten during – especially in the first three months – pregnancy because of some of their properties that can cause miscarriage.

  • Crabs

Although Crabs are not poisonous, they shrink the uterus which could cause bleeding from the genitals and an eventual miscarriage.

  •  Pineapple

This is not for pregnant women in their first trimester. This is because pineapple can cause contractions at such an early stage and this may finally lead to a miscarriage. The popular fruit also contains bromelain which works in softening the cervix. It also causes bleeding.

  • Pawpaw

This is another popular fruit that can cause a miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy. The pawpaw seeds have enzymes that cause contractions which ultimately leads to a miscarriage.

  • Uncooked eggs

This can also cause a miscarriage. As a pregnant woman, you should avoid eating uncooked eggs or mayonnaise which contains uncooked eggs in your first trimester. If you must eat eggs, make sure they are properly cooked with the egg yolk very solid before eating.

  • Garlic

This is another food that can cause a miscarriage. Eating garlic will result in a stimulation of the uterus which may lead to contractions and pre-term labor that causes miscarriage.