Wix Website Builder Paves The Way For Entrepreneurs To Set Themselves Up In The Digital Realm

A business website is an indispensable part of a business in 2022. An online presence is essential for any business to establish and maintain and the foundation of this presence is a website. A business must not only have a website but it must have a well designed, user friendly and aesthetically pleasing website as well. This represents a business well and creates a positive impression of the business in the minds of potential customers. A business website can be a tremendous asset to the marketing strategy of a business as it can create organic growth for the business. 

Web Design and Consumer Behaviour 

A recent academic study investigated the relationship between the design of a website and the attitudes and behaviors of consumers in the realm of ecommerce. The study acknowledges the extent to which consumer preference influences the web design process and how businesses must consider this when building their websites. It also points out that the increasing competitiveness of the ecommerce industry has increased the necessity for high quality web design. This is the case because of the effect which web design can have on the success of a business. 


The study focuses on four elements of web design which are, ”visual design (color, typography), navigation design, content design, and interactive design”. All of these elements have their specific role to play in creating a website which is inviting to consumers. Effective utilization of these elements leads to increased consumer trust and satisfaction which in turn leads to increased repeat business. The study claims that the quality of the information which a website provides has the greatest impact on consumer satisfaction. 


While this study was conducted on ecommerce websites its insights provide illuminating information for website design for any type of business. The competitive nature of most markets requires entrepreneurs to give themselves an edge in any way they are able to. One of the most reliable means of achieving this is through a well designed website. It is also notable that the quality of information of a business website is vital to satisfying customers and developing their trust. Finally, all elements of a website must work together to provide a website experience that drives both consumer and business fulfillment. 

Wix Website Builder 

The Wix website builder provides a strong option for entrepreneurs looking to build their own websites and mark their space in their market. One of the most notable features of the website builder is the level of power which the drag and drop feature is given. This allows users to easily move website elements like pictures and text around in the manner which they please. The drag and drop functionality also allows entire sections of the website to be moved which increases the convenience of the website builder. Wix also removes the requirement of needing to be concerned about margins when building a website as the elements of the website will remain in place from design to publication. These features make the Wix website builder a tool which is easy to use for any entrepreneur even those with no experience with website builders. 


The website builder offers over 800 different templates as foundations for an entrepreneurs website. These can be customized to suit the needs of the business and the business owner. There is also a free version of the website builder which can be used as is or as a trial of the full version of the website builder. Wix offers its customers additional website functionality which includes ecommerce, booking appoints online and membership options. For more information regarding the website builder consider The Really Useful Information Company’s (TRUiC) Wix website builder review. 

Copyright: TRUiC

Final Thoughts 

Websites are vital for entrepreneurs and their businesses to achieve success given the nature of the modern market environment. This includes fierce competition and a consumer base which makes financial decisions based on website design and quality. Having a high quality business website will set an entrepreneur up for success by increasing customer satisfaction and trust in their business. The Wix website builder is a great asset in this regard as it allows for intuitive and simple website building which can suit a diverse range of business needs and wants.