Politicians Not Up To Par Using Ethnicity To Divide Nigerians — Peter Obi

The Labour Party’s (LP) 2023 presidential candidate, Peter Obi, has stated that politicians and the elites are behind the use of ethnic bigotry to divide Nigerians.

The former Governor of Anambra State who made this known on Saturday, during the #PeterObiOnParallelFacts Twitter Space forum organised by The Parallel Facts, said unifying Nigeria is not difficult as it requires sacrifice and doing the right thing.

According to him, politicians use ethnicity to divide Nigerians because they cannot compete in terms of character, competence and other criteria.

“In terms of unifying Nigeria, it’s not a difficult thing; it is a question of sacrifice; it’s a question of doing the right thing; Nigerians are united. It is the politicians and the elites in Nigeria that are divided.

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“And they deliberately did it so because the more divided we are, the better for them. It is because they cannot compete in terms of character, competence and other competitive criteria, they want to now compete by dividing us.”

Obi however reiterated that Nigerians are one united people, and if given the opportunity, he would tour the country to sensitise Nigerians on the essence of unity in diversity.

He further urged Nigerians and supporters to remain calm amidst all the provocations targeted at them, adding that they would not pull Nigeria down if anything happen.

“We will remain calm no matter what they do to us…we’re not going to pull Nigeria down even if anything happens.

“We will remain calm, we will do the right thing. I urge all of you to always remember, we have no other country except this one. We will build it for our children,” he added.