Deadlier Than AIDS: Scientists Discover New STD That Kills Within Days

A new sexually transmitted super-bug has emerged and according to experts, may be more deadly that AIDSĀ  and could cause an epidemic.


According to reports, an antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea is more aggressive than the HIV virus, which means the potential to infect the public will be greater.

This strain of STD which is resistant to antibiotic, reportedly kills half of those exposed and infects one in 20 hospital patients thereby raising the threat of an outbreak to emergency levels.

Alan Christianson, a doctor of naturopathic medicine, thinks this new strain has the power to rack up more fatalities than AIDS.

He said, ā€œGetting gonorrhea from this strain might put someone into septic shock and death in a matter of days,ā€ adding that it is very dangerous.

Also speaking, executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors, William Smith said, ā€œItā€™s an emergency situation. As time moves on, itā€™s getting more hazardous.ā€

Like most STDs, gonorrhea is usually transmitted through unprotected sexual contact and if left untreated, can cause severe medical complications, such as infertility in women, debilitating pain, sterility in men and life threatening heart infections.

Source: Allvoices


  1. 1 of d gospel singers said that ” A RIVER DOSE EAT/HURT A PERSON WHO HIS LEG DID NOT APPEAR IN WATER” many lessons are on for us to learn 1or 2 things. Carefullyness dey say matters allot. Be Wise As A Living Being. God Help Us.

  2. I see every Reason why this Problem shd Be Treated with Imminent Effect before It Spreads and Becomes a Big Problem. It is Newly discovered bt am aware that Pple Have Suffered frm Same Ailment before the Disease Was Norminated as An Std. When Pple Involve In Unprotected sex(that IT gives the real Passion) nd Still Afirm to be Free frm these Std’s Is a Big Deceit to Oneself. Is Better U Dnt Have sex @ all(thou shall not commit adultery) or Best When U Have It With Ur Partner. Newly Married Couples shd Have Test on their Immunity and Blood to prevent the continuous spread of such disease. I Pray Such Will Be Eradicated from this World Entirely. It is Because of the Level Of Immorality and Indecency In The World Today that new diseases come to Existence.

  3. Our God is a merciful God, and his word is yes and amen.He alone is the hope for the hopless.he has shown me the cure for HIV/AIDS through my dream.I have been looking for opportunity like this to tell you that if you have any HIV P. relation or friend to Email Me and i will give it free of charge. because this medication is two types and all from one tree is not something that i will use money to prepare.I want to test this medicine.Goodluck!