Woman Causes Panic In Town Hall Meeting, Says ‘Obama Should Be Executed’

Obama pointing

Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) saw a recent town hall of his take a sharp turn to the unexpected.

YouTube video has surfaced showing one of Bridenstine’s constituents suggesting that President Barack Obama “should be executed.”

“Obama is not president as far as I’m concerned,” the woman can be heard saying in the clip. “He should be executed as an enemy combatant.”

(Listen to the woman’s remarks above, beginning at the 20-second mark.)

Bridenstine let the woman finish her remarks, before responding.

“Look, everybody knows the lawlessness of this president,” Bridenstine said. “He picks and chooses which laws he’s going to enforce or not enforce.”

Bridenstine released a statement on Wednesday in response to the woman’s comment.

A public figure cannot control what people say in open meetings. I obviously did not condone and I do not approve of grossly inappropriate language. It is outrageous that irresponsible parties would attribute another person’s reckless remarks to me.

On the same day, Oklahoma Democratic Party Chairman Wallace Collins called for Bridenstine to apologize to Obama.

Just three days ago, someone was arrested for threatening to kill President George Bush. It is absolutely astonishing that a sitting United States Congressman would encourage and support that type of behavior. As an Oklahoman I am appalled that someone would threaten the Commander-in-Chief–Republican or Democrat. Congressman Bridenstine owes the President an apology, the country an apology and the people of Oklahoma an apology.