Body Goals! Beauty Queen Shows-off Her Before And After Pregnancy Photos…And It’s Adorable

Former Miss Ethiope West Local Government Area of Delta State, Ofou Rukevwe Vivienne, has taken to her Instagram page (@rukkyyvivienne) to share an adorable photo showing-off her post baby body just eight months after childbirth. 

The former beauty queen wrote how she was able to achieve the snap back body and many people are loving it. Here’s what she wrote below;


“8months already!!!

I did well and a lot better to bounce back to normal after nine months of carrying my baby.

No I didn’t workout or go on a diet meal during the 8months..,I bounced back naturally -tied my tummy for the first 3weeks.

-drank plenty of warm liquid for the first 3months

-exclusive breastfeeding for 7months(takes back ur tommy back to normal like magic) because breastfeeding helps to reduce the uterus faster..

No stretch marks on my tommy why?

During the 9months of pregnancy and even after childbirth I continuously used Shea butter on the surface of my tommy whenever it was itching and even when it wasn’t 

It’s easy right??

Well, I ll hit the gym soon (I need abs) @diodafitness where’s your fist at.”

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