Court annuls Uduaghan’s election

Court of Appeal sitting in Benin has nullified the election of the Delta state Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan and has also ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission [INEC] to conduct fresh elections in the state in ninety days.
Uduaghan who until the annulment the current governor of Delta State in Nigeria assumed office on May 29 2007 and is a member of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). Prior to becoming Governor he was the Commissioner for Health, Delta State and the Secretary to the State Government.
The annulment is base on the fact the proper election was not conduct in all part of the state.
Source: Vanguard Newspapers –


  1. It is very shameful that the state is being ruled by 419 people who has bring nothing but shame and disgrace in the state. Well i think that the people at the top knows what they are doing after they must have eaten the money with the governor they want to drop him so that they can eat too from the money. ITT… international thief thief..

  2. When i hear things like dis, i just pray to God t heal and deliver us from ourselves……….is delta state d only state where elections were not properly conducted? As far as it has to do with PDP, there is bound to be fake voting result…..Uduaghan is not the first and will not be the last…….God bless Nigeria

  3. When i hear things like dis, i just pray to God to heal and deliver us from ourselves……….is delta state d only state where elections were not properly conducted? As far as it has to do with PDP, there is bound to be fake voting result…..Uduaghan is not the first and will not be the last…….God bless Nigeria