ESUT VC kidnappers are demanding N200M

Sequel to the kidnapping of the VC of ESUT ( Enugu State University of Technology), the gunmen have contacted his family members asking them for N200M ransom.
Obviously kidnapping has now become a lucrative business as asking for such an amount seem a little outrageous but tell it to the kidnappers who said once their demands are met, the professor would be released to them. We pray the Lord keeps him. Such a huge amount for ransom.


  1. Does he have that much in his account or it could be possible that they planned with him to kidnap himself so that the government will pay for his ransom. This people could be very crocked & conning. THE NIG. POLICE SHOULD INVESTIGATE THIS ISSUE WITH EXTREME INTELLIGENCE.

  2. Fools why can’t you kill him. Any way they know the type of people they demans such from. Infact they should go to hell. That money even though he has it,don’t give the ransom. They should do thier worst.