Man Hangs self after committing Adultery with brother’s Wife

Reports have it that a  55-YEAR-OLD man from Bikita suspected to be having an illicit affair with his young brother’s wife allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself after the issue surfaced, police confirmed last week.

Masvingo acting provincial police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Charity Mazula said the incident happened on 20 July at around 12 noon and identified the deceased as Fungai Mabasa of Mafaune Village, Chief Mabika, Bikita.


Narrating the ordeal, Asst Insp Mazula said on the fateful day Mr Elliot Mabasa (35) came from a beer drink and allegedly started to assault his wife Ms Fambirai Magadza (33) over allegations of having an extramarital affair with his elder brother, Fungai Mabasa.
Fungai, who lived a stone’s throw away from Elliot’s homestead, heard Magadza crying for help and he allegedly sent his wife Miriam (59) to go and restrain Mr Elliot from beating his wife.

When she arrived it is alleged that Elliot told Miriam that he was beating his wife because he had received information to the effect that his wife was having an extramarital affair with Fungai. Miriam is said to have gone back and allegedly told Fungai what she had heard as the reason behind the assault.

It is alleged that Fungai could not deny nor confirm the allegations but instead sent Miriam to a certain homestead in the village with a container to buy traditional beer where upon her return she found him having committed suicide and his body was hanging from the roof of their matrimonial bedroom hut.

She rushed to alert other villagers who arrived at the scene before informing the police who ferried the body to Gutu Mission mortuary for postmortem.


  1. Why do women always cheat! Can’t you say NO!? Men are like dogs but if you say NO they will run away like dogs too..except he forces you then that is RAPE and a criminal offence! Pls women l uearn to say NO! When you are married and your husband is not satisfying you in bed sit him down and tell him so you guys wud look for a solution, there are herbs and drugs like viagra now that make your man give you the kind of sex you want even from morning till night and if he says he doesn’t want to take the drugs and you feel you can’t manage him like that then please leave the marriage before you start fucking every man that comes your way. God made you woman to be there as a helper to your man, to obey him,respect him,encourage him,advice him,teach him wat and how you can be satisfied(bcos all women are not the same sextually) just like all men are not the same sextually.