Photo Of The Day: Politician’s Son Sleeps on 100 Million Naira Cash Bed

A son of a prominent Bauchi state Politician displaying the wealth his father must have drawn from public funds.
Yet pupils in some part of Bauchi state are still studying under the tree.


  1. ​Ȋ̝̊ can’t blame any Ơf these lucre-oriented devils but all Ơf us †ђε‎​Ϋ us as pawns in acquiring ill-gotten wealth!​Ȋ̝̊ yearn ƒø̲̣̣r †ђε French revolution solution here bcos †ђε blood Ơf †ђε oppressor wen spilled heals †ђε land.

  2. I would have thought with all the money at least he would wash under his feet and keep it clean. so what is the point of money if you cant use it to wash and groom yourself. be assured that there is more in the bank. what you are seeing is probably just a quarter of it. never envy such people cos although there is plenty of money, they lack family happiness. that is one thing money sure cant buy. why should we care how their state people feel, they are the ones that keep voting for them. its a democracy remember, no one was forced on them. dont be suprised if they have more supporters when they see the pictures. let them enjoy what they voted for. simple

  3. Fellow Nigerians, please don’t trust the above photo as it’s a hate mail sent by someone to discredit those in government in Bauchi state. What is the name of the Boy? is it normal for a sane man to turn cash to his bed ?Who is his father? Who took the photo and why should he publicize himself ? We all know of the technology to super-impose photosgraphs like the above. All should please disregard the photo sent by a fraud star.

  4. May we not get God disappointed in us completely, how can educated youths reason to the point of using their fingers to type “its not his fault”. Judging from the age of that son of a thief, he is not a kid and surely knows right from wrong. Well “like father like son” is a saying not so far from this situation. Stealing ₦ from the poor is not enough, u have to show it in their faces. May the mercy of God overwhelm u and ur family…Amen.

  5. Fellow Nigerians, please don’t trust the above photo as it’s a hate mail sent by someone to discredit those in government in Bauchi state. What is the name of the Boy? is it normal for a sane man to turn cash to his bed ?Who is his father? Who took the photo and why should he publicize himself ? We all know of the technology to super-impose photosgraphs like the above. All should please disregard the photo sent by a fraud star. R

  6. Haaaaah, haaaaaaaa some big fuls talk about Davido designing himself with tattoo to make his living they crucify the guy, wouldn’t you see my comment about Davido?, this is a NIGERIANS big man you see now all the gunshot is on the SON what kind of foolish and blind are we? where the son get the money from?, let stop calling black whit abeg you people, let our elders stop deceiving the youths please, please, please.

  7. May God deliver us from the hand of lucre fools like this boy and his father, infact, i called for immediate resignation of his father from the office, also what is sanusi got to say to this? The boy has brought shame to the family let him be flog 100 times in the public and face the sun in broad day light shikena, magana ya kare.

  8. If this is a true story, am here t condemn neither d father nor d Son, bt t condemn ds our Naija generation. We were concieved in coruption, born n lives in coruption… Y shuld we den condemn d ppl dt are living up dia culture… Hv we asked ourselves, since we r singing dis condemnation song, hw many of us has gone there n made a change…??? Ask urself also… In ma little family, hw much hv i contributed +vely or -tively