Photo:9 year old househelp burnt with electric iron by her Guardian

Reports have it that 9 year old Chinenye Emeka got her buttocks burnt with hot electric pressing iron by her guardian, Mrs. Ifechukwu Akabekwa.

The main story behind the incident, as gathered was this this happened because Chinenye used the money given to her by a philanthropist to pay her school fees without the permission of her guardian.

gathered in the post-incident report was that Mrs Akabekwa, of Abazuonu Street in Iyi-Owa Odekpe, Anambra state, maltreated and gave Chinenye a hell for a life and constantly forced her to hawk along the major road of Atani during school hours. And when a stranger tried to help little Chinenye, the mother of three got so mad, she scarred the little girl for life.

Mrs Akabekwa was said to have been arrested by the police.


  1. its not new anymore. Becos i just save 1 in my area becos of dis same issue. Up till 2day, d wife is not even griting me talkless of smile. I arrested her den ask my officers 2 teach her lesson she will neva 4get.

  2. Please the womans private part should be pressed with hot iron!!! Kai but most women are generally wicked, right from the first woman eve to jezebel to the bible saying Heaven will know fury like a woman scorned! Women have a part of the devil living in them. I saw a woman driving a jeep hit another woman deliberately who was trying to cross the road bcos the husband of woman crossing the road refused to sleep with her! Women=devils

  3. i could feel the pain of the little girl.
    Just last week Monday, i mistakenly burnt my hand over an electric iron, i know the pain I passed through. i was narrating it to my friend is it was some else that did it to me i swear I will….
    Please, just Chief Judge, kindly sentence the woman to just 10yrs in prison with hard labour.
    if you press her with hot iron, she will prefer 15yrs in prison.
    I rest my case.

  4. Does this have kids? Because with this I don’t think she really knows child labour is. Just like dediran olusegun said, it’s not a new thing, but I was thinking that with the civilization in the current Nigeria, that people should’ve learn how to treat their fellow human-beings like themselves. I hurts so much to know that this kind of wickedness still exists in this part of the world or should i say in the heart of people. It’s not just about the women, because everyone is calling the women now, as if it’s only them, no it’s not. But I must say this, this woman should be made to suffer much more than this innocent girl is suffering, they should use this hot electric iron to design her face and body. That’s my own.