Madonna: Calling Obama a Muslim Was Meant To Be “Ironic”

Pop star Madonna said referring to President Barack Obama during her concert in Washington as a “black Muslim” though ironic was deliberate.

“The point I was making is that a good man is a good man, no matter who he prays to. I don’t care what religion Obama is, nor should anyone else in America.”


A video was posted on You Tube by audience at the Verizon Centre in downtown Washington showing the 54-year-old singer delivering a profanity-laced political speech about freedom during her show on Monday; a message regarded as incoherent by James Taranto.

“Now, it’s so amazing and incredible to think that we have an African-American in the White House. We have a black Muslim in the White House; it means there is hope in this country, and Obama is fighting for gay rights, so support the man,” Madonna said.

Barack Obama who is campaigning for re-election on November 6, is widely known to be a practising Christian. Madonna issued a statement on Tuesday through her spokeswoman saying her reference to Obama’s religion was facetious, after her statement has caused a stir.

“I was being ironic on stage. Yes, I know Obama is not a Muslim, though I know that plenty of people in this country think he is. And what if he were?

“The point I was making is that a good man is a good man, no matter who he prays to. I don’t care what religion Obama is – nor should anyone else in America,” she said.

A proven supporter of Obama, Madonna had tatted Obama’s name on her back and showed it on stage few weeks ago.