Photo – Man Defiles 8 children Together and threatened to kill them All if they Confess

The police in Ipaja-Ayobo area of Lagos have arrested a man who allegedly defiled eight children. He is now being detained, awaiting arraignment in court. The suspect, Mr. Temitope Alo was arrested on Saturday at Koloba area of Ayobo after the children allegedly confessed that he had r*ped them.

The eight victims, whose ages range from eight to 15 years were brought to the Lagos State Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, WAPA yesterday by the Vice Chairman, Ipaja-Ayobo Local Council Development Area, LCDA, Alhaja Falilat Ajijola to enable the state government to take over the case.

The Suspect said he works for a newspaper company (name withheld) in Lagos and allegedly lured the children to his apartment where he defiled them and threatened to kill them if they reported the matter.

Tests conducted on the eight children at the Ayobo-Ipaja Primary Health Centre, PHC, showed that the children had been defiled.

A top official of the WAPA Ministry said that the ministry had been handling r*pe cases but they had never recorded a case where a man serially r*ped eight children.

The news of the r*pe caused a stir at the WAPA ministry as the staff rained curses on the alleged r*pist.

The suspect, in his statement at the Ayobo Police Station, was said to have admitted that he r*ped some children, but that he only r*ped four and not eight.

One of the victims, an eight years old girl (name withheld) said the suspect told them to help him arrange newspapers in his apartment, adding that, “after that, he told us to go into the next room. “He asked us to remove our panties and I asked him what he wanted to do to us.

He laid me on the bed and defiled me four times. He covered our mouths with white handkerchief and threatened to kill us if we report,” she said.

Another victim, a 12 years old girl (name withheld) alleged that the suspect “licked my private . He called me and my friend in. He asked me to bring N100 fufu for him, which I brought.

While I was waiting for the money with my friend, he asked my friend whether she could keep a secret. “He asked me to pull off my panties but I did not answer and he forced me and licked my private  while he slept with my friend and defiled her too. He gave us N50. I told my friend that I will tell my mummy, but he threatened to kill us if we told anybody.”


  1. I was a victim of child rape. The man used to even force me to suck his private part then he would rub vaseline on it and ask me to massage it. I could not tell my parents for a long time because of fear and it happened 4 times but one day I got courageous and reported to my dad, my dad dealt with the whole family they even left the neighbourhood out of shame. Parents pls watch your children closely, don’t allow them to spend time with any uncle or aunty alone. Let your children be your friend so they will be free to tell you anything.

  2. It’s nt funny in anyway,hw could a fully grown man rape such a tender age children that he can even call his own.Everyday is different strange story happening everywhere most especially naija,parents,pls b a watch dog of ur children try to be knowing their way about constantly in other to get them rid of all those angels of darkness called rapists.And for the govt,they should try to pass a law that anybody caught in the act shall be kill by hanging and believe me this issue will be reduce to the bearest minimum.May God help us all…….Amen.

  3. This is why the devils living among humman beings do not want Shari’ah in operation because they av free will to carry out their devilish acts under the pretence of Nigeria weak and corrupt judicial system. Bury him alife, leave his head above the ground and stone him to death. Let him go and face his God.

  4. Y is d name of d man witheld?? Wt is wrong wit ds country? If d case goes 2 court (which it definitely will), wnt d trial b made public??? Y shield d name of an accused rapist???
    Events such as ds are countless, buh 10k God children are nw opening up..Parents,plsssss kp an eagle-eye on ur kids..Dnt b fooled by d “favourite niece or nephew” talk….such uncle,aunty culd b a monster…
    May God help these children and change d devilish orientation ds monster has unconsciously placed in them….