God, please give him the divine enablement, courage… Pastor Adeboye Prays for Jonathan

jonathan-adeboye-2As it is already widely known, President Goodluck Jonathan, on Friday, attended the ongoing Holy Ghost congress at the Redemption Camp of the Redeemed Christian church of God (RCCG). According to the president he had attended the program in order “to give thanks” for the great works which God has been using the General Overseer, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, to do by his continuous prayers for the country.

The president also seized the opportunity to ask for more prayers to avert the numerous challenges facing his administration.

And, on his part, Pastor Adeboye directed the mammoth crowd at the 15th Holy Ghost Congress of the church to pray to God to give the president wisdom, knowledge and courage to lead the nation aright, noting: “God should direct him so that the glory of Nigeria will be restored in his time… God, please give him the divine enablement, courage; Lord lead him (president) aright during his tenure, let the glory of Nigeria be restored. Even before we enter the year, let the tide turn around for good for Nigeria. God let him succeed maximally and let his tomorrow be bright.” And there was a resounding chorus of AMEN in the congregation.



  1. Men shuld stop deceiving themselves. God cannot be mocked no matter what u do. No man has been allowed to serve God and satan at the same time. The best prayer a man can say on ur head is to repent of ur idolatry and fully turn to God in total submission. Otherwise, u’re just wasting the nation’s time for nothing. A man who decided to indirectly punish the children of God by making sure they have no single food in their mouths through his evil policies will continue to be an enemy of God until the day he repent and make God his God and source of his power. Else, u’re just fooling urself not God. Uncountable souls have been lost through ur satanic ways of policies and non of these souls will go without ur shares of pains..

  2. ‘God’ Please give him the divine enablement, courage…and all other B*S*
    Both the man praying and the one being prayed for as reproach to the true God of Abraham that we know!
    If God according to His word does not watch the city (Or anoint someone), anyone doing so is only fraud or wasting his time!
    If God did not anoint this man or has not given him ‘divine enablement or courage before he mount on that ‘God forsaken seat of power in a God forsaken ‘fake country’, is it not too late now after over four years to start asking for it!
    If God has on the other hand anointed the man, why then should that prayer be necessary rather than asking God what is Your will? Why did he not ask for Gods’ will instead of imposing man’s will on the people?
    Either way birds of the same feather flocks together! Fraud can only continue to breed fraud!
    Sorry, if you attempt to curse me openly or silently, it will be turning to blessing on me and back to sender curse a thousand fold on you as God will have it! Because I stand for the truth!