SAD: How A Youth Corper Died Trying To Save A Ball


Faith Nzube Enemuo Batch ā€œCā€ member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has been reported to have drowned in a river in Ikom Local Council where she was currently serving.

She is a graduate of Social Studies from the University of Abuja. She came along with her co-corpers to play handball at the bank of the river. But, a few minutes into the game, she went missing.

There were about 10 of them, who came to play handball on the dry land near the Ikom River. One of them suggested that they should move closer to the river, but the suggestion was opposed by other Corps members. The ball fell into the river, an eyewitness said, and the late Faith offered to fetch the ball, which was moving faster away from the shoreline.

The late Faith stood close to the river for a few seconds, after which she dived to bring the ball out. Her colleagues watched in excitement as she swam close to the ball. But, in a moment, she stopped and started waving her hands. They thought she was still playing, until they didnā€™t see her again on the water surface.

When her colleagues realized what was happening, they signaled to the villagers, who were swimming in the river. After 10 minutes of frantic search, the rescuers could not find the girl. More villagers offered to help with canoes and fishing instruments, but they could not get her. Two days later, the late Faithā€™s body was found on the Okuni Beach in the neighbouring village.



  1. Ten people. Nine watched a fellow girl drowning and they thought she was still playing. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 people and none could see!! That goes to show the kind of graduates we produce in this country.

    That was a complete lack of safety training…the height of ignorance. Any well-trained person can tell from a mile away the difference between a Fun River Dance and a Frantic Struggle for Survival. The poor girl was dead before her stupid, empty-brained, Blackberry-pressing girlfriends realised what was happening.

    The alarm they raised was too late. Why didn’t they jump into the river themselves to rescue their friend instead of calling the villagers nearby? Let me guess, they can’t swim! Yet they went to play handball by the river bank! They should have gone to the beach, instead and play beach volleyball.

    The only things they (girls) know very well these days are Blackberry and hip dancing… To think that they were all standing very close to the river as one of them stupidly suggested, is unpardonable. May her soul RIP. Am sooo upset! Nine people!!

  2. What a big loss, after suffering and working for education. The cold hand of death grabbed her, I must say they made a big mistake by playing beside the river they had no knowledge about. It’s quite unfortunate faith, may your soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.

  3. What a devastating news! What a way to go- Faith? So painful a lost. However, the Goodnews is that, ‘the life given us by nature has an end, but, the memories of that life well spent is eternal’. With pool of tears, I lay wreath, my bouquets of flower to you- Faith…. Goodnight!

  4. Am so sorry dear your death is painful nobody knows how, when, where and who is next check your life if you are living in line with God’s plan for your life. It does not give noticed so stop the blame it doesn’t count anymore. Noone coul have avoided if it was destined to be so. Its just unfortunate.

  5. Well said Mr daramola DĢ…Ģ²Ģ¶Ģ„ĢŠĪµĢ²Ģ£Ģ£Ģ£Ģ„Ī³Ģ²Ģ£ Ī±Ģ…Ģ²ŃĢ©Ģ„ĢŠĪµĢ²Ģ£Ģ£Ģ£Ģ„ all worthless ąŠ™dĢ…Ģ²Ģ¶Ģ„ĢŠ their education ÉŖĢ‡Ģ£Ģā€‹ĘØĢ‡Ģ£Ģ‡Ģ£Ģ‡Ģ£Ģ‡ā€‹ a waste so chinenye r UĢ…Ģ²Ģ¶Ģ„ĢŠ among d nine fools ā€ Ń’Ć„tĢ…Ģ²Ģ¶Ģ„ĢŠ watch their friend drowned?UĢ…Ģ²Ģ¶Ģ„ĢŠ girls need tĘ Ķ”Ģ“Ģ“Ģ“ have ÅŖяĢ…Ģ² brains checked cos I dnt fink UĢ…Ģ²Ģ¶Ģ„ĢŠ girls hav any