Why The Blackberry 10 Is Not Necessarily Good News For Nigerians


RIM has made some major changes this 2013. First it was a complete name change from RIM to Blackberry then the release of the all new Blackberry 10 OS.

These changes are still under the investigative light of tech critics because most people are still convinced that the Blackberry 10 OS, like the previous Blackberry OS, is prone to lots of faults. Although the new Blackberry 10 OS and the release hardware Z10 are not cutting edge innovations, they are both catching up with their competition (iPhone 5 & iOS, S3& Android). For the time being, users have given quite positive feedback from the use of their new devices.


Nigeria on the other hand, plays by a different set of rules. The consumer behavior is rather new to the market. While other countries tossed their blackberry handsets aside owing to different reasons such as battery life, processing speed, looks e.t.c., Nigerians stuck to the device like bees on honey. Most people will probably be wondering why, knowing we have the options of better ranked smart phones at our reach and some even come at a cheaper rate than the Blackberry; well here is why!!…

The Typical Nigerian uses a Blackberry because of the Internet package and the blackberry messenger. #word If i had a penny for anytime someone said…”if i could install the blackberry messenger on my iPhone or Samsung, I definitely will not have a blackberry”… The ease and rest of mind ,from surfing the internet without the fear of  running out of data plan is comparable to nothing, all we need to know is that our phones will be connected to the internet for a month, a week, depending on what we have initially subscribed for. All these options also come at a very reasonable price; upon introduction the price of a monthly subscription was at about N8,000/month but now we are down to N1,500 for a month although if you want to receive messages on your phone via multiple e-mail addresses, you may have to pay up to N3,000 but to that most people scream “WHO CARES” just as long as we can get a message across to someone on our bbm contact list and at almost no cost…we are ready to pay!

But WAIT A MINUTE if our problem is having an app to chat across platforms…why don’t we just stop complaining and download the likes of “Whatssapp”,”Facebook chat”,”twitter” e.t.c…I guess we are a bit to lazy to start looking for which social media every other individual is on and just encourage every one to stay in one place i.e bbm..lol well..I know another point is Nigerians don’t really appreciate uninvited guests; and if your guessing am picking on the Whatssapp rules of engagement..then your right! I love my mum…but i dnt have her snooping around on my bbm status, telling me she thought me better so i should take of that “almost naked girl” from my display picture…lmao…told her “Mum its called a bum short” then i deleted her, when we nee to talk I call…if you feel bad about doing that just remember that in their times they had to write letters and wait for days, maybe weeks….so phone calls are still really AMAZING to her. Back to the point…I don’t feel comfortable with downloading a chat app then all of a sudden having 200 contacts without my consent, prefer I get an invitation which I can accept or decline (old fashioned way) also helps to avoid stalking too.

To round it up…The Blackberry 10 does not work with BIS or any package. All you need to chat on your bbm is internet service, either a data plan or even wi-fi. What does this mean for Nigerians?….If your getting a blackberry again with the Blackberry 10 OS your reason should be the bbm and not the formerly existing sweet blackberry BIS plan, because to your disappointment what you will get will just be any other nice performing smart phone which you have to load with credit to enjoy internet service (limited internet bandwidth) but you can still enjoy your chats on bbm. They didn’t think taking away the BIS package was a big deal because in most developed countries there seems to be moderate internet access, most likely wi-fi..Well that sucks….the RIM or Blackberry research group has shown no loyalty to their greatest customers that arguably kept their smart phones in business and prevented it from the cold jaws of its merciless competitors (iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Nokia) so to them (Blackberry) we Nigerians say “IS THIS HOW YOU SAY THANKS???”



  1. @Sadiq and Kay, please are u sure that BB10 – the new blackberry supports BIS. If you do use BB10 and it supports BIS, please reply. Am thinking of going for the Z10 but if theres no BIS, i better go for 9900 (bold 5)