French Businessman Plans Meeting With Ansaru, Boko Haram Leaders ‘To Help Their Mission’

Rachid Nekazz

A French businessman who is also an Islamic activist is travelling down to Nigeria in April to meet leaders of the Islamic terror groups, the Boko Haram and Ansaru.

Rachid Nekazz plans to arrive at Kano on April 1 and stay till April 7 before returning to France.


Nekazz is known to spend his personal money to travel from continent to continent advocating for Muslims’ religious and civil right.

The 41-year old is also popular for advocating women’s freedom to wear the nijab in Europe. He once pledged one million euros to pay fines of French Muslim women caught wearing the full veil.

Nekkaz believes that Boko Haram and Ansaru are organisations that advocate for the respect and dignity of African Muslims, and are not terrorists as believed by many.

He likened the actions of the sects to that of the controversial American organisation, Black Panthers, during the 1960’s and 70’s. “With respect to the dignity of the Muslim people of Africa and of Nigeria, the actions of the Boko Haram and Ansaru organisations have definitely resulted in numerous repercussions in the international press since 2009,” he said.

He added that like “The Black Panthers of America made many key strategic errors in their time. Those errors have tainted not only their image, but that of Islam in and outside the US for the last 30 years.”

Nekkaz is optimistic that his trip to Nigeria next month will help leaders of the sect avoid the errors made by the Black Panthers in the US. “By discussing and helping their mission and their strategic choices in a way that would accomplish their local mission, while improving the image of Islam across the world,” he explained.

He also hopes to address the French hostage situation while he is Nigeria. In 2009, Nekkaz travelled with Jean-Bruno Roumegoux to China in hopes of preventing the execution of 12 young Uyghurs, a Muslim minority in China living mainly in the region Xinjuang, in western China.


  1. The brains of a few Nigerians have been mired in mud! Imagine someone coming over to help you out of your devastating situation, yet you use the word ‘I pity you o’, instead of hoping for a peaceful resolution.

    • Goshman,I agree with you. Infact Our Presdo and the entire should not allow the Animal to enter this country, unless they want to cause more havoc into this country. Let him hang on air forever, if he is coming to put more fire for us here.

  2. Read more about the man he is an under ground sponsor of terrorists and as Nigeria is, he will come with cash to enhance their mission. I wonder why the so called first world government is yet to put him on non-flight list.

  3. we all know the answer dos boko haram and their brothers need,they want to ex communicate christianity totally from the entire north,and this man coming to help them is for the dreams to be accomplished,he will sponsor them if the government does nt harken to him