Woman Calls POLICE To Report That She Is Being Chased By POLICE


A woman suddenly found herself being chased down by several police cars. 

Instead of stopping her vehicle for the police at the side of the road, she decided to call 911 to report that suspicious vehicles with flashing lights are pursuing her.


The dispatcher told her to stop immediately, but she refused, and began to speed away. After some time she crashed her vehicle.

The woman suffered injuries that were not considered life-threatening after a crash resulting from the police chase with King County deputies, police said.

Police confirmed that the woman called the Washington State Patrol on Tuesday and said she was being followed by cars with flashing lights on Preston-Fall City Road Southeast.

The cars with flashing lights were police patrol cars as they tried to stop her for reckless driving and speeding, police said.
She crashed into a fence in the 8200 block during the chase.

Officials said they did not believe that alcohol was a factor in the accident.



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