French Senate Debates Gay Marriage

French Senate

French senators have begun examining a controversial bill to legalise same-s*x marriage and adoption, prompting protests by opponents keen to see the reform thrown out.

The bill which was adopted by the lower house of parliament in February, would give same-s*x couples the same rights as heteros*xual couples to marry and adopt children, and it’s expected to pass the Senate.


The Socialist government which with its allies dominates both chambers has been taken aback by the size and vehemence of protests to the bill, which Catholic, Muslim and Jewish religious leaders all opposed.

The bill has come under fierce attack in a country that
Although France is officially secular, its citizens are predominantly Catholic, making the bill come under fierce attack, with hundreds of thousands of people pro- and anti-gay marriage protesters already mobilised nationwide.

“We have the honour of submitting the bill, which was comfortably adopted by the National Assembly (the lower chamber) and aims to open up marriage and adoption to same-s*x couples,” Christiane Taubira, French justice minister, said.

Debate on the bill is likely to last until April 12 or 13 in the Senate, after which senators will vote to approve or reject it.

Early on Thursday, opponents registered their protest by turning up at the home of centre-right, pro-bill Senator Chantal Jouanno, blowing whistles and shouting slogans, to try and persuade her to vote against the bill.

Two other anti-gay marriage groups are planning protests later in the day in front of the Senate – one with whistles, drums, tin cans and saucepans, the other involving Catholics praying.

Opinion polls have routinely indicated that a majority of French people support gay marriage.

French President Francois Hollande championed same-sex marriage and adoption during his election campaign last year, and his support for the legislation has not wavered throughout the turmoil.

His girlfriend, Valerie Trierweiler, has revealed that Hollande will be attending the marriages of gay friends once the legislation is on the statute books.

The movement against gay marriage however stays strong and has been more vociferous than the one backing same-s*x unions.

A campaign orchestrated by the Catholic Church and belatedly backed by the mainstream centre-right opposition has steadily gathered momentum.


  1. Should sane and right thinking people spend time talking about what the creator of the whole universe spoke against.something is terribly wrong with this generation every right thinking individual and government should condem it ,it is evil bible is against it ,it is devlish people who practice it will end up in lake of burning fire were. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.God have mercy on this generation .