No White Paper Yet On Scrap Of NECO, UTME – Minister Of Education

Minister_Of_Education_Ruqayyatu_RufaIMinister of Education, Professor Ruqayyatu Ahmed Rufa’i yesterday in Abuja said she was yet to be briefed of any moves by Federal Government to scrap the National Examination Council and the Unified Tertiary Matriculations Examinations (UTME) conducted by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

The media was rife with reports that the Steve Oronsaye led Presidential Committee on the Rationalisation and Restructuring of Federal Government Parastatals, Commissions and Agencies had recommended the scraping of NECO and UTME among others.

However, Professor Ruqayyatu who made the comments at a meeting she held with the executives of the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP), said the whitepaper based on the committee’s findings had not yet been officially communicated to her.


“As far as I am concerned, it is a whitepaper based on the Orosonye committee but the whitepaper has not been officially communicated to me so I am not in a position to take any decision or pass any comment on that. For now we are not in a position to say anything.”

Meanwhile, ASUP has issued a 21 day ultimatum to go on warning strike starting March 25 if their demands are not met by Federal Government.


  1. Why every time naija use to do something unfavourably without thinking over their strategies the make, before impliment it, take notice the damage it’ll bring to both the poor ones and the next generations? The people i ask these quetion is those called leaders, that thinking they are leading us well, but they don’t know they are leading us into distruction and hell, Dear, Minister of education, if in ur dream someone meet u with this stupid, urgly, nosens and rubbish proposal for u to meet Mr. President and senators to ask for implimentation? You agree and thanks the person he/she’ve done well, i think, let u people review the way ur leading we they poor, see if it good and relivant, i said all these, because the way the almighty God who here they poor ones and afflited the loaded soul react are not the way we imperfect humans act, because if u leaders mistreat us any how, the God who here prayer will distroy u leaders on that sit that u think is ur own.

  2. Mr. President, u know u are man of people including they poor, so don’t allow any antsuccess in ur leadership and don’t fear of any opposer. Sir don’t impliment that disease of scraping neco and jamb instead of that, find a way bring academic down,so they poor can educate, greedy leaders such as education minister and her groups don’t want they poor to get their heritage as citizens naija country,Minister take ur all antfuture strategies u called scrap of neco and jamb go ur way, remember,that sit u occupy is not ur kitchen chair u an appointee that seeking for a job by god gracy u appoint, don’t use that selfish authority rule our country,these not ur personal family u order any how, don’t manupulate anything by ur hand without considering they poor, if ur child was registered neco or jamb would u allow dirty decission,so think twice my dear, because he who exalt himself shall be humbled but he who humble himself shall be exalt,these a proverb to u. I’m just 17 years old, future leaders. Tanx.