Every Pastor Who Collects Tithes Is A Thief – Femi Aribisala

As far as many pastors are concerned, the most important scripture of all is not to be found in the word of Jesus. Neither is it even in the New Testament.


That scripture says: “‘Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and try me now in this,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.’” (Malachi 3:10).


This scripture is drummed repeatedly into Christians on Sundays. However, the only time Jesus mentioned tithing in scripture, he pointed out that it was not a weighty matter of the law. (Matthew 23:23). Hebrews says people only receive tithes “according to the law.” (Hebrews 7:5). It then insists tithing (and everything else under the law) has been annulled: “The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless.” (Hebrews 7:18-19). Nevertheless, mercenary pastors continue to insist on the payment of tithes.

Latter-day Pharisees

Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for keeping part instead of the whole law. (Matthew 23:23). That is what tithe-collecting pastors do today. If we insist our congregants must pay tithes, we must also insist that they keep the rest of the law. James says: “Whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.” (James 2:10). Therefore, if we insist on tithing, we should also refrain from eating pork. We should stone adulterers, execute homosexuals, kill Sabbath violators and restore blood-sacrifices.

Tithe-collecting pastors counter this by maintaining the payment of tithes pre-dated the law. Here Abraham is cited as the cardinal example of someone who paid tithes before the promulgation of the Law of Moses, as did Jacob, his grandson. However, such arguments are disingenuous.

Before the law, tithing was at best an example but not a commandment. Moreover, pastors fail to mention that Abraham only tithed once in his lifetime. When he did, he did not even tithe his own money: he tithed the spoils of war. He gave ten percent of the plunder he took when he rescued Lot to Melchisedec, king of Salem. But then he did not even keep the rest but returned it (all ninety percent) to the king of Sodom.

For his part, Jacob also tithed only once. He did this in a “let’s make a deal” arrangement he offered to God: “Jacob made a vow, saying, ‘If God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, so that I come back to my father’s house in peace, then the LORD shall be my God. And this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will surely give a tenth to you.’” (Genesis 28:20-22). This kind of deal about accepting God only under certain self-serving conditions should certainly not be a term of reference for any serious believer.

Lies upon lies

The first lie pastors tell Christians is what some have referred to as “the eleventh commandment:” “Thou shalt pay thy tithes to thy local church.” But the bible says no such thing. The storehouse of Malachi was not a church. It was a place where food was kept.

Pastors hide from church-members the fact that money was not acceptable as tithe. The tithe was a tenth of the seed and fruit of the land and of the animals which ate of the land. (Leviticus 27:30-32). That is why God says: “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be FOOD in my house.” (Malachi 3:10). He does not say “that there may be MONEY in my house.” The food was used to feed the Levites, the poor, widows, orphans and strangers.

Pastors also conveniently fail to teach the biblical tithe. The principles of tithing were not laid down by Malachi. They were laid down by Moses. The study of Moses’ guidelines quickly reveals that the biblical tithe has no application whatsoever to Christians and is mischievously violated by tithe-collecting pastors today.

According to the Law of Moses, the tithe was divided into three allocations. The first year, it was given to the Levite. The second year, it was given to widows, orphans and the poor. The third year, it was eaten in the company of the faithful before the Lord as thanksgiving for his faithfulness. (Deuteronomy 14:22-28). In the seventh year, there was no planting and no reaping and therefore no tithing.

So the next time your pastor asks you to pay tithe, ask him about the seventh-year reprieve. Also ask him if you can give your tithe to the orphanage, or bring it as food items to be eaten in church. Believe me; he will not agree with you because it is your money he is after.

Inapplicability of tithes

Tithing was only applicable to Jews and to the land of Israel. When large populations of Jews lived in Babylon, Ammon, Moab, Egypt, and Syria, these lands became tithe-able lands. However, tithes were not acceptable from strictly Gentile lands. So you need to ask your pastor how come he is collecting tithes in Nigeria.

Servants or slaves who worked on the land did not tithe because the land did not belong to them. Since only agricultural and animal resources were included, a fisherman gave no tithe of his fisheries. Neither did a miner or a carpenter pay tithes, nor anyone from the various professional occupations. So if you are not a farmer or a keeper of livestock, tell your 419 pastor tithing is biblically inapplicable to you.

Moreover, the only people authorised to receive tithes were the Levites. (Hebrews 7:5). So if your Pastor is a “tithe-collector,” ask him if he happens to be a Jew. Remind him that, even though a Jew, Jesus could not receive the tithe because he was not from the tribe of Levi but from that of Judah.

The trick, of course, is for pastors today to claim we are “Levites.” If your pastor is one such dissembler, ask him if he lives as a Levite. Remind him that Levites had no land and did not have private property. Ask him also how he knows he is from the tribe of Levi, which happens to be one of the lost tribes of Israel. Point out to him that even Jewish rabbis don’t claim to be Levites today because all Jewish genealogical records were lost with the destruction of the Temple in AD 70, ensuring that it is no longer possible to ascertain the true identity of Levites.

Therefore, if Jews no longer tithe because the Levites are a lost tribe, how can Christian pastors collect tithes when we are not even Jewish, how much more Levites? If Jewish rabbis, whose terms of reference remain the Old Testament no longer collect tithes, then pastors who insist Christians are under a New Testament have no business doing so.

The conclusion then is inescapable. Every pastor who collects tithes is nothing but “a thief and a robber.” (John 10:1).

Source: Premium Times


  1. On point! Trust self styled ‘Christians’ to accuse you of passing judgement and blaspheming against God and the conmen that prey on their lack of intelligence,whom they’ve branded ‘men of God’!

  2. Wow! What an eye opener, so Abraham and Jacob paid tithe only once cos d bible recordd just dat once. So its safe to say Esaw ate just once in his lifetime, Jesus drank water just once, Peter fought just once etc. U r just looking for christians wif shaky foundations so u can knock em off. God dey watch u sha.

        • Abi. The man is seeking for self recognition. His article is from the pit of hell. He is controlled by the spirit of the anti-Christ.

        • the truth remains the truth:
          the bible tells us to obey Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith. have u ever tot Jesus did not have money to pay tithes. maybe that’s y he didn’t pay tithe or rather his disciplines didn’t have sources of income that’s why he didn’t collect money from them. or rather Apostle Paul wasn’t a tent maker as well as an evangelist that’s why he didn’t pay tithe from his income or at least encourage the church in one of the scriiptures from Act to romans …. to pay tithe.
          I maintain a stand, Pastors that collect Tithes are doing the wrong thing.
          First they claim levites r to receive tithes, they claim to b d levites, but they are wrong, levites are the workers in vineyard i.e. ushers choirs etc, they are more likely called priessts, to cut long story short, when you want to pay your next tithe pay to the levite in your church or to your priest. Feeling confused, email me @ [email protected]

    • God go bless u true true IK, its unfortunate that many ignorants will fall for these kinds of ‘seemingly’ intelligent arguments. Unfortunately, Baba that gave us mouth to talk, gave us also freedom of expression, so let everybody talk whatever they like, even mislead others if they like…. I’m yet to see a pastor or priest who put a gun to somebody’s head cos he didn’t pay tithe. I say just Just help yourself by studying he scriptures for YOURSELF whilst praying for God to grant understanding. On the last day, WHO NO KNOW GO KNOW.

  3. As true as this argument is (or appears to be), there can be another intelligent argument supporting otherwise. In a nutshell, I believe it all depends on the human individual belief and the effects/results of those beliefs, whether generally accepted or not, hypnotically induced or erroneous.

  4. Take note too that the issue of tithing has been annulled cos some of the levites now has properties. Act 4:32. The question is where did he got the property if inheritance was not shared to them and they depend on tithe?

  5. I praise the pastor for a thorough academic excercise. He will be a credible candidate in any religious debate.
    However, Christianity is based on belief viz-a-viz faith. I want the pastor 2 use the same premise 2 prove ao a Nigerian became son/daughter of Abraham. 2. Where it is specifically written dat tithing has been abolished. 3. Where it z said that any pastor who collects tithe z a thief. 4. That d levites in d Bible were poorer than d rest Israelites….. I rest my case meanwhile…..

    • What you need to do is buy a Bible with a cross reference and read all the passages in the Bible that talks about tithe. Read your Bible through and get a perspective of what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about and you will build up a Christian conscience. If you have done this long ago you would have stopped paying tithe. If you need more reference on this send me a mail and I would e-mail a book titled ” tithing and forceful giving”. It might help you to know the right thing. [email protected]

  6. You are only trying to cause confusion where there is none. As far as u know the reason u do some thing then you are justify. Aribisala, i have always respected your article but in this you disappointed me you sound more like a SADIST. Stop misinterpreting the scripture

  7. Well said there.i’v read throughout d new testament n honestly cannot find d portion dat says a xtian should pay tithe. D pharisees were known 2 b very rightous n commited 2 keeping d laws and when christ came he told us dat our righteousness should exceed dat of d pharisees meaning dat if we r 2 give 2 God it should begin 4rm d 11th percent n not 10 percent. The book of Galatians chapter 3 also tells us why we should nt only pay tithe but also abide by d laws. We nid 2 reali study and search d scriptures well rather than beliving everything our pastors tells us.

  8. All this many many talk. I give a mere 10 percent of what God has given me back to him. It’s just a way of thanking him and acknowledging him as the source. I don’t know your own reason for tithing.

  9. let us continue to study the bible as christians cos i know someday,the eyes of many shepherds in the church will be well open to see and understand what is inside the bible.the love of money is the biggest problem we have in the church today.some so called men of GOD brainwashing their members in order to steal their money all in the name of tithing.kidnappers, armrobers prostitute assasins comming to pay thire tithes in the church,GOD is watching all of us.pastors now want to behave like the politicians going about with thugs and tout to sing ur praise,buying private jets,cars,houses and building expensive schools that the average member in ur church can not even afford to send theire children to,living life as if this is ur last hope.may GOD help us all.

  10. Zakat is the islamic version of tithes, and everything bout it is clearly spelt out. I.e. Who pays,who collects,who gets paid,who shouldn,t pay e.t.c…..when it comes to doctrines and laws, no doubt u guys have it mixed up. Thas what happens when you have little, butt u think u have everything. Your master said he couldn’t teach u everything for a reason, and follow the law for a reason, but its the. Opposite u see evryday! All the. Best guys!!

    • Zakat is a giving meant entirely for those who do not have, to give them the sense of belonging and love. Rich men do dat to inhabit the plight of the poor among them. But it is not so with the tithe. The pastors who take tithe do not usually have the poor in mind bcos their own bellies is their god.

      Aribisala has made a point but I believe he needs to do more in his research work on tithe. If he reads Genesis 14 again, he will discover that Abraham abhored the spoils of war he inherited and that the tithe he gave was not in substance but was a commitment to see God as his father and his provider

  11. I love the way those who support or reject this notion (tithe) are airing their views rather than insulting him. This is to show how tolerable we christians are of dissenting views. Same cannot be said of other religions.

  12. I hope they will not kill this guy. He is trying to remove food from some peoples table. How would these guys get money for their ostentatious life style? How would they get the money to buy planes, etc? This a well researched topic. If tithing is so important then why did Jesus, Peter, James, Paul, etc not collect tithe and why was tithe not paid in the New Testament?

  13. Its ur opinion weda to pay tithe or not. As for my pastor he does’nt force any member to pay tithe besides it has to com frm ur heart. So allow us to continue in our tithe payin believe beside if I feel lik buildin a mansion for my pastor wit my hard earn money is noboddy’s business.

  14. every one in support of this are all confused, cos d femi himself is all leadin ur heads into something dats nt rite, #scoffs# claimin to knw d scripture, dis is d devil usin u femi, of cos he knws d scripture but always corrupts it. God forgive u…

  15. i will support femi aribisala argument. christians are no longer under the old law which is old testament. when paul wrote to the corinthians in 1st corinthians 16 ;1-2. Also 2corinthian 9:6-9. it says as u desire in ur heart,not reluctantly or under compulsion but God loves a cheerful giver.So christian are now free from the burden of the law.(gal 4:4-5) so as a christian u give to God willingly.

  16. Guys be aware of satanic agents nd thr manipulations…..
    No mata wht i’ll continue paying ma tithe till Jesus come.

    Whr, wht nd hw dey use d money is nt ma bussines, my business is dt i gave it 2 God nd d heart wit whc i giv is wht matas 2 mE.

    Judge no 1 so dt u wont b judge.

    Live judgement 4 God. Tnk u.

  17. Jesus said in d last days false teachers and prophet shall arise so I believe this man is one of them. they only read the letter of the scipture but the spirit in the word of God is far away from them. in fact acts 13:27 best describe people like this who read the bible every day and seems to know God more than anybody yet they still condem God and his works may God have mercy on u.

  18. D 2 instances in which a tenth part of possessions was paid to God or to his representative prior to d setting of d Law covenant was already mentioned above. Those two accounts are merely, however, instances of voluntarily given. There was no record that Abraham or Jacob commanded their descendants to follow such examples, thereby establishing a religious practice, custom or law. It would have been superfluous for Jacob, if already under compulsory obligation to pay tithes, to vow to do so, as he did. Its therefore evident that d tithing arrangement was not a custom or a law among d early Hebrews. Its instituted with d inauguration of d Law covenant, not before.

  19. What amazes me is that people argue so much over the details of what is essentially a foreign religion that was never designed for anyone other than Jews two thousand years ago. St Paul was the one who decided to convert Gentiles. All these Abrahamic and Mosaic laws that you feel so much allegiance to were designed for a relatively small group nomadic goat and sheep herders living in close to desert conditions. Probably the Nigerian people most similar to the ancient Jews are the Fulani. Certainly, Nigerians living in cities have no similarities in living conditions to Hebrews under Moses. But hey, why let history get in the way of your beliefs?

  20. This is amazing. Although Aribisala has shown people a way out of the bondage of tithes that pastor’s are using to the congregation, many are fighting to continue. They want to pay because they have become accustomed to bondage, so much so that they can’t live without it. Therein lies Nigerians’ biggest problem. The truth will never set them free; they are happiest when they are being lied to.
    Thank you, Aribisala, for your attempt.

  21. He quotes Matthew 23:23 however He didnt quote the rest. Matthew 23: 23 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, WITHOUT NEGLECTING the former. 24 You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.

    • Dear Eni, thanks for your observation. I noticed that too. But when I further probed into the verse I found out that it’s the same people that our Lord Jesus told that “You should have practiced the latter, WITHOUT NEGLECTING the former” that He had told “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness.” They were in fact, ” teachers of the law and Pharisees… hypocrites!” and not New Testament Christians. At the time the Lord gave them that advice, the law of Moses was still in operation and had not been fulfilled. They were still observing the Sabbath laws, circumcision, feasts, animal sacrifices, dietary and sanitary laws, etc. Honestly, I think we should get a better evidence to refute Femi’s article, this observation of yours is jejune, although it’s a good attempt.
      I’m afraid, Mr Femi Aribisala’s write up is so formidable. If we fail to disprove him, we should be honest to admit that we are wrong and in error in this case, and repent therefore of this wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of our heart may be forgiven us. Thank you.

      Jas 5:20 …He which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

    • honestly we have been brain washed to the extent of over looking the needs for personal research on biblical issues , we swallow whatever pill we are to give to swallow ,the early church did not conduct tithes to run the church but personal donations or vows, OUR LORD JESUS NEVER RECOMMENDED TITHING TO THE APOSTLES,HONESTLY TODAY,S PASTORS OT PRIESTS HAS A LOT OF PROPERTIES AND YET RECEIVE TITHES FROM THOSE THEY ARE BETTER THAN, TITHE IS NEVER A NEW TESTAMENT EXERCISE, ,READ UR BIBLE VERY WELL

  22. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm! So u think u can just come out frm no where 2 solve sum fetish aritmetric about tithe 2 christian&they would foolishly accept dose fetish analysis. May be 2 d weaker christian who are not ready 2 serve God wit all deligence,I gess u over read some book which may av cause sum metal disorderliness 2 ur brain system! Pls kindly locate Emmanuel TV 4 fast delieverance&breakthrough cos i c no reason y u plan 2 strike a full-time pastor&family wit massive hunger if tithes are not payed in d church.pls if u need popularity in d media sector speak about how 2 put a stop of boko-haram bombing.


    • Please, Clergy man, Eph 4:31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
      Col 3:8 ¶ But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.

  24. The passage of the scripture you are trying to explain did not only talk about tithes,but also talk about offerings.so, should we also stop giving offering in the church? But tithes and offerings are given to God and not to pastors. Please, go back to the passage and read it again. Those of us who are giving our tithes to God are not complaining, why are you complaining?

    • The New Testament teaches in several places for us to give voluntary offerings, but NEVER instructed us to tithe. In fact, 2Cor 9:7 states we should give what we purpose in our heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity. But the law of tithe shows a necessity, a compulsion and a threat; therefore, it is unfit for Christians.

  25. I am amazed at the level of ignorance of people, this man came out with grace display of heretical ignorance and many fell to it. I can give u more than five places in d Bible where Jesus support tithing. This shows our people don’t read their bible. Its really amazing, even Christians. Why don’t u do ur own findings if what he is saying is true. This is what I have gone thru…but I am not readily with my bible now. He is not knowledgeable in what he is saying….believe me.

  26. Well I tnk simple undstnding of English in Mat 23 v23 is dat Jesus was telln d Pharisees dat dey r to add other works of rgteousness to der service.Malachi 3v10;who and why did God say ye ve robbed me and r cursed.The truth is dat practical xtianity very shown dat God who gave d commandment very ban gr8tly faithful.To all genuine children of God ‘ye shall know d truth and d truth shall set us free.End time indeed.Fake teachers;fake doctrines.Brethren let’s BEWARE!

    • Well, I’ll say we need to understand that the entire book of Malachi was written specifically to the old nation, Israel. The first verse of the book says it is “The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi”. Even the curse of verse 9, chapter 3 suffices to show clearly that the “whole nation” of Israel of that time was being addressed as cursed for failure to tithe. This was written because they were backslidden and did “deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning THE COVENANT OF OUR FATHERS” (Mal 2:10) and “ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi”(Mal 2:8). What are this “covenant of our fathers” and this “covenant of Levi”? The tithe law was tentative till Christ would come to purify the saints and purge them as gold and silver, so that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness (Mal 3:1-3).

      Let us search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of our LORD Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, our Blessed Lord, has never, and will never, proclaim a curse on the those who are in Him. Ro 8:1 ¶ There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. If tithe was needful for the New Testament Church, He would have laid the needed emphasis on it, I believe. But, He ignored it. The only two times He ever mentioned it were not in a clear positive light. Check Lu 11:42 and Lu 18:12. What about the apostles? In all their letters or epistles to the churches, they completely ignored it! A very important law? The only opportunity where it would have been addressed is in the book of Acts, chapter 15, where all the apostles and elders gathered to agree on what to teach the Gentile churches who knew little about law of Moses. Yet, again, and sadly for that matter, it was ignored! You may read the entire chapter for a better understanding.

  27. Religion is the opium of the masses. People practice religion and not christianity. Were they to practice true christianity they would clearly understand that God is not interested in percentages rather He is interested in intentions. They would also realise that the office of “pastor” has no precedent in the bible. The early apostles did not receive tithes for personal use when they presided over the early church. The records show that contributions were made and shared among members according to need. The current doctrine of tithing to pastors is a HUGE fraud which most christians are blind to. Please give your monies to the needy, the sick, the homeless, the prisoners, etc and not your fraudulent “pastors”, who enrich themselves with it!

  28. @ no time were 1st-century xtians commanded 2 pay tithes. D primary purpose of d tithing arrangement under d Law had been 2 support Israel’s temple and priesthood; consequently d obligation to pay tithes would cease when d@ Mosaic Law covenant came to an end as fulfilled, through Christ’s death(Eph 2:15; Col 2:13,14) Its true d@ Levitical priest continue serving @ d temple in Jerusalem until it was destroyed in 70 C. E., but xtians from and after 33 C. E. became part of a new spiritual priesthood d@ was not supported by tithes.-Ro 6:14; Hebrew 7:12; 1Pe 2:9

  29. As Xtians, they were encouraged 2 give support 2 d Xtian ministry both by their own ministerial activity and by material contributions. Instead of giving fixed, specified amounts 2 defray church expenses, they were 2 contribute “according 2 w@ a person has” giving ” as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver(2Co 8:12; 9:7) they were encouraged to follow d principles in 1Ti 5:17, 18. However, d apostle Paul set an example in seeking 2 avoid bringing an undue financial burden on d congregation. -Ac 18:3; 1Th 2:9

  30. God does not need ur money whatsoever!! All that he needs from u is ur whole-hearted devotion to him. Who of you can send his only son to die for d whole world? But God in his infinite mercy did it to ransom us frm bondage n sin, yet you stil prefer to under bondage. Tithing is in no way biblical!!! One thing is to read the bible, another is to fully understand. Those who keep paying tithe r in bondage n need to pray for understanding

  31. May I say that Mr. Aribisala is naive and does not understand the basic principle of Christain faith. I will just want him to go and read the book of the Acts of the Apostles carefully. The Christian faith is base on dedication of all we have to God. In the early Church, believers have everything in common, those who have dedicated ywhat they have to God. The least a believer can give for the work of spreading the Gospel is tithe and offering. I am a Pastor and a working class one. I gave my tithe to the Church and much more than tithe for the work of the Ministry. The Church has a lot of less priviledged people we are sponsoring in their education and so on. In as much as I understand that some so called Pastors are defrauding God ( mark my word- God and not the people by enriching themselves with the tithes and offering ) by not using it for the purpose for which it was given, God will reward the faith of the individuals who gives sincerely and bless them accordingly while he will judge the thieves and looters in the sheep skin at His own time. I want to admonish all that naked we came into the world and naked we shall depart. Any project a Church or Ministry embarked upon that is not based on helping the poor and the masses worries me as a person. I do not stand to judge any Ministry or Church for I am not their God, but want to sincerely appeal to my co-sojourners in this world that we should do things to the
    glory of God and benefits of the common man ( and not targeting our project to get so much evil money from the rich who can afford such). God bless.

  32. Dis is an eye opener really.. Caution must b taken to all who insults dis man..if u got a contrary opinnion , put it out and lets d world see.. wotz apenin to we africans we lik to spoil n discourage peoples work… Kudos mr femi aribisala

  33. It is well! Hello, hope you know that many people who where given opotunity and those who got second chance testified that some people went to hell because they did not pay their tithe. Tithe is a must for every body… Not excluding the pastor….

    • My dear Gideon,
      I don’t believe that God will ever send anybody from the dead to preach to those on Earth because of what is written in Luke chapter 16:
      28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.

      29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.

      30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.

      31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

      So God knows that even if He sends someone from the dead, they will not repent, if the Holy Bible cannot convince them. The Holy Bible is a more sure word of prophecy than some extraordinary experiences
      2Pe 1:17-19.
      17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

      18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.

      19 ¶ We have also A MORE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.

  34. Why is it that religionists abhore sound reasoning even backed by spiritual evidence as biblical instances. Mr. Femi Aribisala has only exposed what we all knew but weren’t bold to expose. If tithe was the 11th commandment,why did Our Lord not collect it? Why did Saint Paul, Peter, and all the apostles not mention or even collect it? How come all the old testament practices became abolished leaving only tithe? We will support the work of God by our offerings and heartfelt donations to godly endearvors and not through tithe. If we must pay tithe, we must also do bood sacrifice, kill bull, ram, pigeon for burnt offerings and all other practices of the old testament, which means rejecting Jesus Chist and his blood which was sheded for the remission of our sins. I am a pentecostal and have to state here that in the two pentecostal churches I had/ belong (ed) (these are among the largest Pentecostal churches in Nigeria) tithe money have never been accounted for or used for ”the work of God” The congregation are always asked to contribute money to build church, donate to the needy, hold conferences, host crusades, furnish buidings, buy buses, etc, in addition to paying the tithe, and then offering. The earlier we stopped this deceit the better for the true practice of Christianity. And for those who claim they give the tithe to God and not to the pastor, it is still part of the deceit. Give your money to the needy ”for in so far you did it to one of these (needy ones) you have also done it to me”, so says the Lord.

  35. Femi Aribisala, is mostly correct but I must say the true Jews today are the true Christians, see for example Romans 2:28-29 “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; 29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of
    the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but
    from God.” – New King James Version (NKJV).

    Two books that agree with, and expands greatly on what Femi Aribisala, said are:

    1.) “Perspectives on Tithing: Four Views”, by David A. Croteau, et al.

    2.) “You Mean I Dont Have to Tithe?: A Deconstruction of Tithing and a Reconstruction of Post-Tithe Giving (McMaster Theological Studies)”, by David A. Croteau.

    They can be gotten from Amazon.

    Also go to google search engine and goolge, “Janet Mefferd’s Official Site”, when you reach the site click on the button “Previous Shows”, at the top of the page. It will then take you to the show achives page, on that page in the upper right hand corner in the search engine type in the words “David Croteau Perspectives on Tithing”, then do the search and listen to the shows. You are now at the page with the results, to listen to the shows click on the buttons “Janet Mefferd Show-3/1/2013”, and “Janet Mefferd-1/11/2012-Hour 3-Janet Mefferd Radio Show”. They each will take you to their respective page to listen to their respective show.

    Femi Aribisala, is very, very correct indeed.

  36. when there ,s a writeup like this ,i don’t think we need to cruxify writer instead we need to pray to God to enlight us .i want to ask how many people can pay faithful and honest tilth from fruad free purse,do today tilth payer have full knowledge of their payment ?did christ and the apostles accept such offering ?alot of things needs tobe put into consideration b4 judging the writer.therefore let all men of God look inward and check the excees spending ,may God lead us right .

  37. God’s word shld be d basis of judgemnt,pple shld try n support their coment wit a bible verse.d man did say dat u shld nt support ur pastors but nt on d basis of tithening. Gal6;6 cus it hs bin don away wit in christ,if u read ur bible well enough u wil appreciate d truth.2cor9;7.i hv alot 2 say if u’re interestd try give a call.God bless u all. pst bernard 08060780531

  38. having read d write-up. i perceive dat d writer is sincere, but he is sincerely wrong. nearly every passage of d scripture can b misinterpreted, but this is devilish. we must be careful how we fight for oirrelevant relevance. there are better messages to preach to win souls, not to b happy washing dirty linen in public. it is true that some ministers misuse tithes and offerings, that does not make it wrong. eli’s children did the same. believers should support Gods work by all means possible, in giving, in soulwinning, in teaching and discipleship. if a man truly love God giving will be a thing of joy. ask d writer if offering is enough to do God’s work, how much was his offering last sunday? that was aquestion too far, sorry, when last was he even in church with his family to pray. his writeup is an error. God forbid bad thing!

    • It is very unfortunate that some people are wiser than God and want to help Him out. God made the Church and approved free offering for its well-being; yet somebody thinks that “offering is [not] enough to do God’s work”. This is the same thing that happened in the 6th century.

      That was when there was a partial rejuvenation of the Mosaic order (Luke 5: 36-39, Gal. 4: 9-11)
      Since the church traveled back to the era of building temples, the need for funds for the project and other pressing material need of the organization gave rise to a partial restoration of Mosaic laws observance. It was observed that voluntary contributions, as prescribed by the apostles, could no longer cover the growing church needs. Thus, a return to the compulsory payment of tithes was recommended.
      ‘In the beginning… spontaneous offerings of the faithful [sufficed the church]. In the course of time, however, as the church expanded and various institutions arose, it became necessary to make laws which would ensure the proper and permanent support of the clergy. The payment of tithes was adopted from the old law and early writers speak of it as a divine ordinance and obligation of conscience. The earliest positive legislation on the subject seems to be contained in the letter of the bishops assembled at Tours in 567 and the Cannons of the councils of Macon in 585 …’ from http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14741b.htm and http://www.wikipedia.com/tithe
      ‘Although rejected [tithes] were mentioned at Tours in 567 and at Macon in 585, they were formally recognized under Pope Adrian 1 in 787,’ from http://www.wikipedia.com/tithes
      The law was supposed to be a guide for the common wealth of Israel, to prepare them for the Messiah who would fulfill God’s promise to the world through Abraham. The Messiah was to prepare the priests (the saints) for the right kind of giving (Mal. 3: 1-3, Gal. 3: 19, 23-25). Romans 12: 1 shows that giving ourselves as a living sacrifice to God is the right kind of giving. Psalm 40: 6, Hebrews 10: 5 and 1st Samuel 15: 22 also reveal that God prefers the giver to his gift. Right living is better than sacrifices. Instead of giving publicly to receive men’s praise, we are encouraged to help the less privileged who may not be able to pay us back (Luke 6: 34). Our acts of charity should be done unannounced. Our father who sees what is done in secret will reward us openly. Perhaps some of you have noticed that some of our churches keep records of tithe payment of individuals. These records determine who qualify for assistance from the church as the need arises. This is a way to enforce the faithfulness of members in tithe payment, especially those who desire help from the church. Good business ideas, that is. But I think a different name should be given to this form of giving, not tithe. The tithe of the Bible serves a different purpose and has a different mode. Much as it is known that Jewish tithing has got profound scriptural support to stand on, the same cannot be said of the modern practice of our churches.
      It must be noted that tithing in Christian setting is nothing short of an anachronism. There is no record that either Christ or his followers 700 years after him practiced it. The law of tithing was made binding by Moses. The ritual laws in the Old Testament are described as a shadow of the real thing in Hebrews 10: 1 and Col. 2: 17. The early tithing is mainly of agricultural nature. The tithes were shared among the Levites and the less privileged. The Levites were not capitalists like most preachers today: they had no land possessions (Deut. 14: 22- 29). Malachi 3: 8-11 which is the delight of these preachers, amazingly did not define tithe. This is because it was referring to an already defined and established law contained in the books of Deuteronomy, Numbers and Leviticus. It has to do with food. Malachi even spoke about the food (Mal. 3: 10).

      things for you, OWIE.
      Second: THE TITHE WAS USED TO TAKE CARE OF PEOPLE, NOT BUILDINGS. Paul instructs the Corinthian believers how they are to give. He says in second Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7, LET EACH MAN GIVE ACCORDING AS HE HAS DETERMINED
      IN HIS HEART; not grudgingly, or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver. So each believer is
      supposed to give as he or she has determined in his or her heart. If they determine to Give 10% well
      and good, if they keep aside some every week to meet this more better. If you are trying to make
      people give under the threat of being cursed or any other reason even blessing, you are wrong.

  39. Christians are supposed to be people of the word, this is reason a lot of christians have problem standing sound doctrine. quite a lot are empty on the inside, do not have firm foundation.

    Jn 21:25 ” And there are also many others things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written everyone, I suppose that even the world would itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen”
    So many a time we look for where certain things are written in the scripture before we believe, where is the spirit that teaches us all things? some of us keep asking where in the scripure is it written that tithing has been annulled or whether Jesus asked us to give our tithes, if d disciples gave or took tithe.

    God inspired men to put down what is neceesary for us, the bible is not a history book, this is why a lot of people read and do not understand, they think it’s a novel. The letter kills but only the spirit behind the letters gives life.

    In Mtt 23:23 which is a new testament where Jesus rebuked the pharisees, he did not tell them to stop paying their tithes but that they should do the weightier matters (justice, mercy and faith) and also pay their tithe, implying that thithe paying does not make any body righteous. That statement is implied, Jesus needed not to say pay ur tithe or don’t pay ur tithe for us to understand that there’s nothing wrong in paying ur tithe.

    All things does not have to be explicit for us to understand, that’s why we have the holy spirit to teach us.

    • Indeed, we know that there are… many others things which Jesus did that were not recorded, however, according to John 20:31 the ones which were written “are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.” It then follows that the unwritten ones make little or no alteration to the general message conveyed in the Written Word. I do not suppose from the foregoing that it would be wise to base our doctrines on an imagined or unwritten part of the Holy Bible. The Written Word is sufficient for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness so that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2nd Timothy 3:16). Even the tithe, which Pharisees have so esteemed above every other virtue is not a most weighty matter of the law, according to the statement of our Reverend King, Jesus in Mathew 23:23, where He was addressing legalistic professors, during the era when the Mosaic law was still in operation. Some unlearned will like to capitalize on His statement that the Pharisees were supposed to be tithing. They wish to use this as an evidence that every Christian should be tithing. But sadly, this evidence is invalid for obvious reasons, viz.:
      (i) Christ wasn’t addressing His disciples or the New Testament Christians, for that matter, but he was addressing “scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” (Matt23:23)
      (2) Christ, as well as the other Jews, was still under the mosaic laws (Ga 4:4 But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law)
      (3) Mt 5:18 “For… one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”. Therefore, every aspect of the old law was to be practised until the fulfilment of the law. The law reached it’s fulfilled at the cross of Calvary, and our Master proclaimed that “it is finished”. Ro 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
      (4) We are not under the law. Ro 3:19 ¶ Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law… Ro 6:14 For … ye are not under the law, but under grace.
      Ga 5:18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

      If you’re still not convinced, tell me, K.C., when Peter took money from the mouth of a fish, did Christ command him to pay a tithe from it? Or the rich young ruler who inquired what he must do to have eternal life, did Christ command him to sell his property and pay a tithe? Like you have said, “Christians are supposed to be people of the word, this is reason a lot of christians have problem standing sound doctrine. quite a lot are empty on the inside, do not have firm foundation.” It’s sad.

  40. The new Testatement teaches us that Jesus Himself watches how we give. A beneficial reading of Mark 12:41-44 revealed that the Lord Jesus thought it worthwhile to watch what and how the people offered. Please show me an instant when Christian were told to bathe and yet some are saying Jesus never commands tithing. one point that we should not is that The earth is the Lord and its fullness. Psalm 24:1 Therefore tithe payers are only stewards and giving 10% to the owner of everything should not generate all this hue and cry. As to those collecting, that is the pastors they are also stewards of all tithes and offering collected and will definitely give an accounting to God . Roman 14:12

    • Please check this blog below on tithing.

      winteric.wordpress .com/2011/07/20/the-trial-of-a-pastor-on-multiple-counts-of-extortion/

      copy the address and paste on your address bar and delete the space before “.com”. It’s my personal blog and it is safe.

  41. There are some fascinating time limits on this article however I don抰 know if I see all of them heart to heart. There may be some validity however I’ll take maintain opinion till I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we wish more! Added to FeedBurner as effectively

  42. Motive – the driving force
    It is important to note that the prominent factors responsible for the rapid and expansive growth of the early church were the grasping of the revelation of the long awaited Messiah and the overwhelming urgency to spread the message of his kingdom. In direct contrast, a sizeable proportion of today’s church is mainly concerned with boasting of having the largest congregations and buildings. It is doubtful whether such would continue if pecuniary incentive was not involved. The money factor has made the priestly vocation an all-comer affair. Nowadays, individuals claim ownership of churches with ‘if-you-can’t-stick-to-my-rules-find-your-way-out’ mien. Whereas Apostle Paul who founded most churches in Asia Minor, did not claim ownership of any. He did not impose himself on the members as the head pastor. Some of them even turned away from him (2nd Timothy 1: 15, 1st Corinthians 1: 12-17 and Ephesians 4: 4-6).

  43. Seven lessons about tithes some preachers would not like their members to know are that:
    • Tithe payers are allowed to eat part of their tithes (Deut. 14: 26, ‘And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household, {desireth: Heb. asketh of thee}). Preachers avoid this verse for reasons best known to them.
    • Tithe is agricultural rather than financial. (To convert agricultural tithes to financial tithes, the value is to be increased by 20 percent, Leviticus 27: 31).
    • Levites only were to receive the tithes on the third year (Deut. 14:28, Amos 4: 4, Tobit 1: 6-8).
    • Tithes were not to be paid on the seventh year (Exodus 23: 10-11).
    • Tithes were to be paid only at the Jerusalem Temple (Deut. 14: 23, ‘And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always.’ De 12:5-7, 17-18; 15:19-20).
    • Neither Christ nor any of the Apostles, for that matter, demanded for, or received tithes from Jewish or Gentile believers. The Jews had good knowledge of the tithe laws. Would they be made to bring tithes, meant for Levites in the Temple, to the Church? This is a fundamental problem for those who preach that Christ sanctioned tithes in Matt. 23: 23. If He actually did, who has He authorized to receive the Christian tithes? The truth here is that Christ was not addressing His followers. He was rebuking Pharisees who, like our preachers, emphasize tithing at the expense of right living.
    • Tithing was not included in the Apostles’ letter to the Gentiles in Acts 15: 29. Since that letter contains the important moral and spiritual code of conduct for believers, it is rather disappointing that a ‘weighty’ issue as tithing was overlooked.
    • Those who say Christ did not come to abolish the law (Matt. 5: 17- 18) ignore the concluding clause in verse 18: ‘until everything is accomplished’. Before he gave up the ghost, Christ said, ‘it is finished’, and the temple veil tore apart (John 19: 30, Luke 23: 45).

  44. Selective observance
    It is of equal importance to note that adherents to the law of tithing hardly observe the other aspect of the Torah, like the Sabbath, etc. There is hardly an agreement among the tithe-collecting church owners on which day is the Sabbath, between the 1st and 7th days of the week. Animal sacrifices and circumcision, which were essential parts of the law, have been set aside. Laws concerning the use of candles, incense, cleanness, uncleanness and shaving of the beards have also been jettisoned in the bid to renew the observance.
    Some are of the opinion that tithing predates the laws of Moses since Abraham and Jacob observed it. But they cannot say for sure, whether Abraham paid a tenth of all his possessions and income. The questions sincere people should ask them with are:
    • how many times did Abraham pay tithes in his lifetime?
    • was it actually a tenth of his all earnings or a tenth of the spoils of war, which he even claimed did not belong to him? (Gen. 14: 20-24)
    • in Jacob’s case was it not actually a vow he made to God, to pay a tenth of all his possession if certain conditions were met? (Gen. 28: 20-22)
    • is the observance of tithing supposed to be based on such conditions as raised by Jacob?
    • is there any evidence that Jacob fulfilled his pledge?
    If we assume that tithing predates the law, we should not leave other pre-law practices, which became part of the law. Examples of these include animal sacrifices and circumcision. Their pre-existence before the law does not justify their continuation under the new order.

  45. Sense of duty
    1 Cor. 16: 2 seems to support Christian tithing on the surface. But with a look at the entire chapter and comparing it with Acts 11: 27-30 and 2 cor. 8 and 9, it will become clear that voluntary contribution for believers in Judea during the famine, rather than tithing is what is indicated here.
    Some of us give ceremonially to fulfill certain customs and statutory requirements, with a sense of duty. Others do so egotistically to promote self or to avoid embarrassment. But some others give selfishly to make profit, since they are told they will receive more when they give. However, God prefers selfless, willing, and cheerful givers.
    Free will offering, not tithes, is what the New Testament supports. The saved are to give, not out of a sense of duty, nor with regrets, but gladly and willingly (2Cor. 9: 7). The hallmark of tithing is the sense of duty or obligation.

  46. The curse of the law
    Imagine Christ or any of the early Apostles standing before believers to pronounce them cursed on an account of tithe and offerings! It sounds absurd, does it not? But the result of observing tithing by Christians, is that they are placed under the curse of the law (Mal. 3: 9; Gal. 3: 10). Very few tithe payers actually pay the correct proportion of their possession as tithes. Consequently they live with guilt. But we have been redeemed from the curse (Gal. 3: 13). In fact the whole of Galatians chapter 3 addresses the issue of observance of the laws in this era.
    There is the tendency for tithe payers to feel proud over their works of self righteousness like the Pharisees of Luke 18: 9-14 (Two men went up to the Temple for prayer; one a Pharisee, and the other a tax-farmer. The Pharisee, taking up his position, said to himself these words: God, I give you praise because I am not like other men, who take more than their right, who are evil-doers, who are untrue to their wives, or even like this tax-farmer. Twice in the week I go without food; I give a tenth of all I have) and Matt. 23: 23 (A curse is on you, scribes and Pharisees, false ones! for you make men give a tenth of all sorts of sweet-smelling plants, but you give no thought to the more important things of the law, righteousness, and mercy, and faith; but it is right for you to do these, and not to let the others be undone).

  47. Love of money
    If you carry a truckload of cassava roots to your pastor as payment for your yearly tithe as a farmer, you will find out that it is your money he wants not really the tithe. Owing to the economic hardship in the country today, some profit eyeing proprietors project that more people in the church could translate to more money, hence the scramble for more members among themselves. They are the sole owners of their churches. They set rules and regulations which are binding on adherents, whose loyalty and perpetual dependency must be ensured. Like most business enterprises these churches are incorporated. Members of the churches’ boards of trustees are often members of the families of the head pastors, who are also the sole owners of the church. Devout members pay their tithes as unto God. But in the long run the lot of the head pastors and their families is insured. This is an easy escape from the prevailing poverty in the country. No wonder the pastoral job is recommended for ex-service people.
    Another striking aspect of this trend is that members of the church are encouraged to amass wealth for themselves here on earth as opposed to biblical injunctions in the following scriptures: Matt. 6: 19-21, Luke 6: 24; 16: 13; 3: 11; 12: 33; 14: 33, Heb. 13: 5, Proverbs 23:4-5, Mark 10: 21-27,31, Acts 2: 44-45; 4:32,34-35, Eccles. 5: 10, 1st Tim. 6: 5-9, 2nd Corinthians 2: 17, 1st Thessalonians 2: 3, 5 and James 5: 1-6.
    Is it not amusing that these men would prefer that you send your money to them as tithes instead of giving to the poor? What if Christ came as a poor beggar seeking your help, would it be right to say to him, ‘ho, I have already paid my tithes and dues to the church’? (Matt. 25: 45; 6:1-4).

  48. The biblical tithe was always on assets that came from God’s labor; never on income or anything that came from man’s labor.

    Nowhere in the Bible are there any examples of anyone tithing on wages. During these biblical times, there were designers, embroiderers, and weavers (Exodus 35:35); manservants, maidservants, hired workers (Leviticus 25:6); plus many other occupations. Nowhere is there an example of any of these other occupations paying a tithe. There is no example of Jesus tithing on his wages as a carpenter, or Paul tithing on his wages as a tent maker, or even Peter tithing on the fish he caught. ONLY farmers who owned crops and/or animals in herds and flocks tithed.

    We believe in generous giving, from the heart, and that the requirement to tithe ended at the cross along with all the other Mosaic laws. However, those who disagree and believe that tithing is still required, need to understand that God required tithing of crops and animals, and never on man’s income. God said the tithe belonged to Him, and He gave the tithe to the Levites. If you believe the law to tithe is still valid, then you are breaking that law when you give the tithe to your local church.

    God said you tithe on crops and animals which are assets, not income, and come from God’s labor. Man says you tithe on income, not assets, which comes from man’s labor.

    God said the tithe belongs to Him, and He gave it to the Levites. Man says the tithe belongs to God, and you are to give it to your local church (or other christian establishment).

    Deuteronomy 4:2 (NIV):
    2 Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the LORD your God that I give you.

    Scripture is given by God and not to be changed by man. When man changes the scripture, it is no longer the Word of God. Christians are not to adapt the Bible to the times. Christians are to adapt their life to the Bible.

    2 Peter 2:1, 3 (NIV):
    1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.
    3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up.

    2 Timothy 4:1-4 (NIV):
    1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge:
    2 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.
    3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
    4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

    The choice is yours. Follow tradition, or follow the Word of God.

  49. A study of church history will show that at some point, probably around the year 600, the churches brought back the teaching of tithing, but only as voluntary giving, and still just on the crops, herds, and flocks, right out of the Old Testament. Since they didn’t teach it as a “biblical tithe,” they were able to change the rules to make it fit the needs of the church. By the middle of the 13th century, the Church’s claim to tithes was extended to include the poultry of the yard and the cattle of the stall, to the catch of fish and the game of the forests. Had tithing in the Old Testament been on everything as some have claimed, there would have been no need to expand the definition.

  50. Tithing was first taught and collected by churches in the United States during the second half of the 1800s. Had tithing always been required, why was it not until the late 1800s that the churches in the United States started collecting tithes? And even then, the teaching of tithing was not consistent between churches. It wasn’t until recent years that churches started teaching that you tithe on your income, or gross income. During the late 1800s some churches taught that men were to tithe a larger amount than women, that no tithing was required for those under the age of 18, and once you reached the age of 65 you no longer were required to tithe. At times tithing was based on the value of property owned. Those who didn’t own property didn’t tithe. They gave freewill offerings. In one case, the church council members voted to change tithing to income because it would bring in twice as much money. The problem is, all this was taught as biblical. In many cases, if not most, today’s tithing teacher is merely teaching was he/she was taught. Many who later do their own in-depth research have repented and no longer teach that tithing is required today.

  51. A look into church history will show that at some point, probably around the year 600, the churches brought back the teaching of tithing, but only as voluntary giving, and still just on the crops, herds, and flocks, right out of the Old Testament. Since they didn’t teach it as a “biblical tithe,” they were able to change the rules to make it fit the needs of the church. By the middle of the 13th century, the Church’s claim to tithes was extended to include the poultry of the yard and the cattle of the stall, to the catch of fish and the game of the forests. Had tithing in the Old Testament been on everything as some have claimed, there would have been no need to expand the definition.

  52. Did you know that a war was fought because of Christian tithes? Some European and Latin American governments took over the collection of the tithe money from their citizens. In Ireland, this led to war. The majority non-Anglican population resisted the Anglican government from 1831 to 1836. This period in Irish history is known as the Tithe War. It hurts to think of the lives lost to what is considered as a service to God.