Weird Smuggling: This Man ‘May Have Some Needles’ Between His Cheeks


A Florida man may have learned the hard way that it is better to keep one’s drugs in a fanny pack, rather than packed in his fanny.

Kamon Holobaugh, a 24-year-old from Port St. Lucie, was arrested April 23 after police pulled him over for flashing his high beams, thinking he might be in need of assistance, according to an affidavit obtained by


During the encounter, the officer noticed the suspect seemed nervous and had his pants unzipped.

The officer then asked if he could inspect the car and Halobaugh allegedly agreed.

During the search, the officer said he noticed several small white pills falling onto the floor by the driver’s side and more pills on the floor mat at the suspect’s feet.

When Holobaugh exited the car, the officer noted that he was walking around awkwardly and asked about it.

At that point, the suspect volunteered that he “may have some needles between his cheeks,” according to

Holobaugh was searched and, sure enough, there was a bag of unused needles.

The suspect allegedly told the officer there were more pills in his anus and wanted to get them out before he got to jail and received additional charges.

After adjusting his innards,Holobaugh retrieved a small plastic baggie with two dilaudid hydromorphone pills and seven more morphine sulfate pills, reported.

Holobaugh was arrested for possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of drug paraphanalia and taken to the St. Lucie County jail.