Military Pensioners Lament Non-payment Of Arrears In 3 Years

Military cap

The retired Army, Navy and Air Force Officers Association of Nigeria, RANAO, yesterday, demanded the payment of three years pension arrears of its members as approved since 2010.

The Secretary of the association who spoke with newsmen in Abuja, retired Brig. General Patrick Onaghise, regretted that the association had lost some of its members as a result of the situation.


“In 2010, President Goodluck Jonathan approved the upward review of salaries of federal officers which automatically applied to pensioners. While flagging off the payment of outstanding arrears of military pension, the president directed the Minister of Defence to ensure that military pensioners be included simultaneously with any future review,” Onaghise noted.

“We are aware that all federal public servants including serving military personnel have been receiving this new remuneration with effect from July 1, 2010.”

According to him, RANAO has made a lot of effort to secure the payment without success. “Ever since this directive by the president, the retired military personnel have not been paid in spite of several representations to the presidency, the National Assembly and several well-meaning Nigerians,” Onaghise said.

“Many of our colleagues who would have aged gracefully have suffered stroke, blindness, paralysis; many have even died of illness which probably would have been treated if they had sufficient money for prompt and adequate medical care.”

He therefore appealed to the Federal Government to treat the issue with the seriousness and urgency it deserved.

RANAO President, Maj.General Rabiu Aliu, rtd. also speaking on the non-payment of pension arrears said, the plight of pensioners in Nigeria was generally condemnable whether under military or not.

“It is agonizing to see retired military officers being brought with wheel barrows to complain about non-payment of their pension and to show that they exist.”

According to Aliu, their agitations were not just for military pensioners, but also for the entirety of pensioners in Nigeria who are being owed. “We believe everybody should have his dues and rights, it is not only the military there are civilians too who are being owed as well, and they are not faring well.

“Whenever we have this revalidation, when you see soldiers being brought in wheel barrows to come and say that they are still existing, it is sad. This country has a responsibility and they have to take this responsibility seriously. Old people cannot come to the street and start demonstrating because some of them are even dying. Let us take it as a responsibility to ensure that when we get older, we do not go through the sufferings that we are going through.”


  1. The soldiers gave their all to the nation, yet the fed govt is not showing appreciation. Those who are still in service should help speak on behalf of the retirees. of course if you do so you are doing it for yourself because you will retire and come and meet the enhanced pension.