Igali Named Chairman of NOC’s Technical Commission.

Daniel Igali.
Daniel Igali.

The Nigeria Olympic Committee (NOC) has named the President of the Nigerian Wrestling Federation (NWF), Hon. Daniel Igali, as chairman of its Technical Commission.

Sani Ndanusa, President of NOC, with the approval of the Board and Exco members announced the appointment during a board meeting at the Boardroom of the NOC, National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos.

“We know you are loaded but can still carry this load of Technical Commission Chairman,” Ndanusa said on confirming the appointment.

“Igali is a paragon who capped his time as an athlete with an Olympic gold medal. He is an ambassador.

“He is a member of the Bayelsa House of Assembly as a politician. He is wearing many caps but merit them all,” Ndanusa added to the rapturous applause from other federation presidents present at the meeting.

The Board and Exco members vetoed the power on the new chairman to nominate other members to get the commission functioning.

The President of the NOC urged him to use his wealth of experience to reposition the Technical Commission preparatory to the 2014 Commonwealth Games billed for Glasgow Scotland among other international competitions.

“I’m comfortable with the position but I seek the cooperation of all federations for a harmonious working relationship,” Igali said, in response to the responsibility conferred on him.