Meet the Man United Fan Who Missed His Brother’s wedding For a Match.

Fervent Manchester United supporter Peter Bolton lives a few miles away from Old Trafford in Timperley, has attended over 1,000 consecutive home games and been following United since 1962.

Bolton Pose With the World Club Cup Won By United.
Bolton Pose With the World Club Cup Won By United.

The 56-year-old has not missed a single game at Old Trafford since 1974 and Bolton even dodged his brother’s wedding for a United game.

Speaking to Sportsmail, Bolton said: “When I met my wife in 1976 at a disco, she asked me if I would be going the next week. I replied ‘No it’s Spurs away.’ From day one, she has known I live my life around the football. In 1979, we were getting married and I picked a nice June date- because there would be no football!

“When my brother was getting married, he had a weekend date set during the season. I had to make an executive decision… so I went to see United at home and then went along to the wedding party at night. He wasn’t upset. He knew that football would rule when he set a date during the season.”

Bolton is set to jet off to follow the Red Devils on their pre-season tour of Asia and Australia. He flies out to Sydney next week for the second leg of the United tour- his wife suggested he gave Bangkok a miss- and it is the start of a hectic three week spell in which football-mad Bolton will clock up 30,000 miles and spend over 50 hours in the air as he follows new manager David Moyes’ first pre-season with the club. He said the “problem is that none of the flights are direct.

Bolton Flies His 'One Love United Flag' at Atletico Bilbao.
Bolton Flies His ‘One Love United Flag’ at Atletico Bilbao.

“I will be going from Manchester to Sydney via Dubai. Then Sydney to Yokohama via South Korea. Then it will be the Osaka train for the next one before heading to Hong Kong via Shanghai. Then it’s back to Manchester via Dubai and up to Stockholm in Sweden. Even coming back from there, we have to go via Oslo!”

© Daily Mail.