NASA Finds Message From God on Mars

NASA announced that its Curiosity Rover has found an unambiguous message from God written on tablets in a Martian cave.

According to an official press release two giant stone slabs the size of small elephants were located deep inside a cavern abutting Aeolis Mons, a large mountain.


Upon one tablet is a copy of the Ten Commandments and the text of John 3:16 written in 12 languages – including English, Spanish, Chinese, Basque and Hebrew. On the other tablet is a simple message in English reading “I am real.”

According to top scientists who have studied the discovery extensively, these findings may have definitively established Christianity as the one true religion.

“This is amazing,” says Syms Covington, an Australian researcher working for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program. “We went into the cave looking for water, and we found proof of God’s existence instead.

“I mean how else did those tablets get there? I can tell you one thing: there’s not a single atheist inside NASA’s control room now. What we saw was jaw-dropping.”

Genesis 1:1

NASA’s Curiosity rover arrived on Mars in August of last year with a mission to explore the Martian climate and geology for signs for habitability.

Thus far the mission has been a success, with the discovery of an ancient seabed and chemicals needed for life suggesting that Mars was once suitable for life.

However the tablets, both of which are signed “Peace and Love – Yahweh,” represent the rover’s most significant find to date, and is perhaps the most important scientific event in history.

“When people find out about this, they will demand change in our society,” explains a political scientist at Georgetown University. “Democracy will have to give way to theocracy. We’re gonna have to build more churches and reintroduce prayer into schools. Abortion is defiantly going to be illegal within a few months.”

Despite its potential significance, Covington fears that the Earth-shattering discovery may not make the impact it should.

“Unfortunately, the mainstream media is so anti-Christian, they might not even pick up this story,” he explains. “But God is real. We have proof. And everyone deserves to hear the truth.”


  1. That’s a Fabricated lie… If there is a religion that always conflict scientific findings is Christianity… a Lie by Nigerian Christians.. Why didn’t CNN or BBC or any Reputable media report it? is NASA in Nigeria? Stop deceiving your selves and embrace the only True religion ISLAM

    • Sageer CNN OR BBC can not prove my God , because he is not a man that lie , if you want to see the power of God, Jesus Christ , then search on your DSTV free Channel and go to Emmanuel TV , watch for like 1 hour and you will see were the blind regain sight, the deaf hear and the cripple work, cancel heal and hiv cure, there is no acting in there, you will see evidence that will make you know that our God is not a blind God, he does as he will, and forever he will be my God..

    • One thing i know is there is only one God according to Our Lord Jesus Christ, and He sent onlt beggotten Son to safe the world, He says whoever that beleiveth shall not perish but have everlasting life, so is by choice not by force, but he who doesn’t accept him right here on earth where there’s mercy and grace of God will go to hell by force after death.
      One thing is that both Bible and Qurian confirmed the birth of our Lord Jesus and his second coming
      My advice for you is accept JESUS today .

  2. Sageer I laugh when I hear somebody saying islam is the true religion, what Boko Haram is doing using islam as their basis is enough for any sane human being to know the truth you better wake up.

    • @ funshy if you also research properly you will find it was originally written by ‘the Daily Currant’. The Daily Currant is a competitor to “the Onion’, both satirical papers. Satire means to ridicule so this article was meant to ridicule Christianity and the passing of ten commandments on stone. The stories on both these sites are not true merely meant to ridicule. And Yes, I am a Christian but I don’t fall for everything I hear.

    • Fine, earlier scientists may have put it there. How many scientists have you seen have that luxury of time to waste inscribing words like this on slab? let’s even say you are right, can u explain how you breathe, how you sleep in the night and wake up when it’s daytime, how you carry up your hands and other parts of your body with no struggles? Adekunle, wake up before it’s too late! but the choice is yours. My simple and humble message to you and others like you is that JESUS LOVES YOU. Don’t take it for granted because the time of His arrival is closer than ever. Peace.

  3. Sageer is entitle to his unrefined and cruel attack on Christianity and not the individual.when an astraunuat who was a Christian said He heard Moslem minaret song in the Sky that made Him to convert to a Moslem faith what did Sageer said about it ,That one is true.
    If some true Nigerians want absolute peace in this Country, they should stop playing politics with their faith belief.Every body can never be Moslem so also is Christian faith,people Sageer is fanatical.

  4. welll sooo trolling ,bt evrione knows thers only one religion dats christianity,

    I cud careless about Islam,dats crap for breeding terrorists…..tHer is one God,the creator,father of Jesus

  5. This are all fabricated lies. We all know God works in misterious ways, but not this. I hear some some people saying you earlier scientists put it there. But the fact is the curiousity rover is equiped with tools for drilling holes and carrying out soil analysis. Thus, can be programmed to etch a design a verse on any rocky surface. If God had wanted to prove his greatness to us, he’d have done it on the moon where humans have been to severally, and not showing his greatness to a robot on mars equiped with cameras.

  6. This are all fabricated lies. We all know God works in misterious ways, but not this. I hear some people saying earlier scientists put it there. But the fact is the curiousity rover is equiped with tools for drilling holes and carrying out soil analysis. Thus, can be programmed with a CNC code to etch a design, or a verse on any rocky surface. If God had wanted to prove his greatness to us, he’d have done it on the moon where humans have been to severally, and not showing his greatness to a robot on mars equiped with cameras. This is for those who believe in cheap miracles, not everything that appears stunning is a miracle. The creation of the earth and the planets revolving around the sun is enough miracle for us to believe in God.

  7. My God is real and He livet 4ever He is everywhere.He can even write the inscription Himself using the machine ment 4 another.may we all embrace peace and love and keep the ten commandment which I blieve dat islam also advocate 4 in their religion and see if we can’t co-exist irrespective of religious d/frences

  8. GLORY BE TO GOD…Our God’s liveth…i dnt suprise about this…am happy!there’s only a way leads to God..because,he love us he gave us son…”whoever believe in him will not perish”..we all die someday to recreate eternal body…JESUS CHRIST’s a light that can safe us frm darkness..GOD so much love u…that’s why u re seen these…GOD’s real

  9. “Unfortunately, the mainstream media is so anti-Christian, they might not even pick up this story,” he explains. “But God is real. We have proof. And everyone deserves to hear the truth. LET HIM THAT HAS HEAR LISTEN TO WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING TO D CHURCH!!!!!!!! I PITY ALL ANTI CHRHRISTIANS! JESUS CHRIST IS REAL AND HE IS LORD! AMEN

  10. “Unfortunately, the mainstream media is so anti-Christian, they might not even pick up this story,” he explains. “But God is real. We have proof. And everyone deserves to hear the truth. LET HIM THAT HAS HEAR LISTEN TO WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING TO D CHURCH!!!!!!!! I PITY ALL ANTI CHRISTIANS! JESUS CHRIST IS REAL AND HE IS LORD! AMEN

  11. I feel delighted to read this story. God in his power and majesty has decided to speak and reveal himself in this unusual way. May all who read this find the blessing of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ. To the scoffers it is not a suprising thing. Bible itself has predicted your action. God is not deterred by anybody’s opinion. You either believe it or leave it. God is real and Jesus Christ is his only begotten son-the saviour of the world who died that you and I might not die. Jesus please remember me in your kingdom. Amen.

  12. I have a feeling this is far from the truth, God is not a christian nor of any religion.. well just in case it´s true perhaps its high time we start considering that God or the gods could be aliens from another planet because if God really what to proof he´s real, he doesn´t need to go millions of kilometers away (out of human reach) to proof that. He could as well write those things on mountain kilimangaro, isn´t it?

  13. God is real. He can reveal himself through different means and he has tried this and still trying through human beings like us(pastors and prophets),how many of their words have we heeded to?. There’s no religion as true as christianity. Wake up!!

  14. I like listening to lies especially when I know the truth……………….dis is nt even fabricated lie bt created lie witout even a single word to believe…….plz anytym u want decieve ur followers wit such lies I wish to adviz u to du it in such away dat they wunt simply know is a created lie creates to decieve them…shame to dis NASA nd even more shame to those Xtians who re decieved by dis lie

  15. @Ibrahim, u shouldn’t say what u don’t know… Its what u believe and nothing can change that. N what we CHRISTIANS believe, u are not even close to changing that. Whether fabricated or created, we(christians) strongly believe in the coming of christ and that being a sign, its left for US to choose the path to follow. Whatever anyone does, u shall be accountable for it. Wise up mehn!

  16. Let мε‎​ start by sayn I’m a christian. But, I strongly believe that this is a fabricated lie. God is not a confusionist. He is simple annd clear. If He really wants the world to believe him, He would come down and tell people on planet earth himself, and He has already done dat, through Jesus. There is no better way ever than dat. Even common sense agrees with it. Why will He then decide 2000 yrs later to put some ambiguous information on a planet where He put no life, far away from where He put man. Its simply just crazy. God will NEVER do that. Gone are the days when we plead with people to believe in Christ. If the things happening around the world are not enough proof, if Jesus’ death and the wonderful life some of us have experienced now, are not enough for u, then lady/gentleman, brace urself for eternal doom and torment. Not even a dead man frm the pits of hell will convince u about the reality of eternnal life in Jesus. Accept him now or choose death, its simple and clear. Nobody is pleading anymore.

  17. When God was talking 2 Moses in the Wilderness Israelits were saying that God should talk direct to them and when God talks to them directly they started pleading God to be talking to Moses. Pls be careful in what u say. God is real.

  18. One thing I know is I love Jesus,and I know he’s my saviour I love him more anything. I don’t need to convince anyone that Jesus is Lord(my Lord) because right in my heart He rules……….

  19. Really funny how someone would just decide jesus is the way,the truth and the light…like seriously C’mon there were religions before jesus even Abraham wasn’t a christian he was a judaist…God is One he just has different channels to serving and reachin him…Am sure no religion preaches evil or violence..just do good and be focused….And incase u’ll like 2 know…have been a christian from birth

  20. God is supreme! Jesus is lord and holyspirit is our confirmation. I’m not suprise over all d argument, mockery or name it, more wil stil come as fore written in d bible. We don’t force ppl 2 beliv wot we’ve tasted bcos we were saved by grace, ad only eternity wil unveil d glory of Jesus. Never forget, christianity is not a religion is a life in christ Jesus. They were called christians bcos they lived lik Christ(peaceful,loving,truthful,faithful). God is a spirit, trying to analyze him wit science or human mind is a waste of time

  21. What utter falsehood…9ja and Christians will believe any crap they here all because it appears to support their your faith belief…well your faith should come frm the word of God and not what one robot finds or does not find in some dead planet…pls stop making utter fools of yourselves and the Christian faith