CHILD MARRIAGE: “Senator Yerima Is A Mad Man” – Actress, Hilda Dokubo

Veteran actress and Commissioner to Rivers State Government, Hilda Dokubo has condemned the current child marriage issue in Nigeria.


Hilda who  is back to acting is totally in support of her Nollywood colleague, Stella Damasus who is against child marriage in Nigeria.

Hilda Dokubo dissed Yerima for supporting marriage for underage girls and also claims Senator Yerima is a mad man who should be avoided at all cost.

Read what Hilda said below

I am a proud Nigerian always so proud of my Nationality that I carry my passport with a lot of respect. I was a girl child, loved, protected and guided so much by all the adults around me at the time… by the actions of our senators I don’t know what to do with my passport the next time I approach another’s borders.

Listening to our senators discuss, debate and finally deviate from the original discuss to now publicly endorsing and accepting that a majority of those who represent people are insane and sexual perverts who are so hungry for completely under developed bodies of female children that they now have set a new age of adulthood and a new description for womanhood. Hopefully they’ll make the Guinness book of records as world sexual perverts hurray!!!.

I do not think that any religion hates the girl child that much that their law will approve of early deaths by self slavery.

In fact what normal parent would give out a child to a near death adult as wife?

When Yerima returned with the 13 year old Egyptian child did any of the security agencies try to find out if the child was not stolen, kidnapped or even an abductee by our insane senator? Because she was not married under Egyptian law and she was not his wife under they both arrived Nigeria.

My real worry is the safety of our female children around these perverts in the National Assembly including their own children!!! Can any girl child escape being raped by them? Will female children around them escape VVF? Will their female children be allowed to go to school?

What they have approved is a sin against God and humanity and must be stopped. The senate president is not a Muslim I know. He loves his children dearly I want to believe if he allows this mess by his colleagues posterity will not forgive him and everyone in that house?

Yerima is an insane person needing help please can a psychiatrist help Nigerians keep Him away from us especially the girl child thank you.



  1. May be surprise seen view in defferent profile,but not the matter while the sense of write I wish the commissioner may kneel down and seek forgiveness from senate Ahmed yarima that she called Mad man because of the issue of early marriege which has to do with understanding not the issue of insult or anything in that naure
    Yarima has a reason to said that islamically and if she need a reason before anything else may occur let have face to face dialuge about the matter rAther then to called respectable person in public while she is woman in that natuer and this is not fair and she is not respectable in the eyes of LAW!
    Moverover,Yarima is rightous viewer about the early marriege to a child girl in islam and to know more try and go for research religiously before you star any comment on your own Hon commissioner better for you okl

  2. A 13yr old girl, what does she know about marriage? Imagine giving your 13yr old child to an old man for marriage, imagine the pain the girl will go through when the old man is having sex with her, what advice will the girl give to the man if he is going through some difficulties? after all Marriage is not only about sex, would she be able to express her feelings to the man face to face? Its quite unfortunate that most people especially the Muslims are using Islam as an excuse. Hmm! Who am I to judge? God is watching all of you.

  3. Hilda i think you are a prostitute, after sleeping with several nollyhood producers for roles in your numerous dramas you still have your stincky mouth wide open to talk about a honorable man who got married legaly to his beautiful bride, is it not crystally clear that in your own visinity today fathers are raping their own 9-10 years daugthers simply bcos their body maturity? Oh you dont have to comment to that bcos may be thats exactly what happen to you when you are @ that age. In Islam we have laws, rules and command to follow, if its not ok by you go to hell thats all we care. Fucking bitch!

  4. @Modupe an hilda, i don,t no d kind of peopu dat mak u a comisioner bcos u only no prostitution, as 4 mudupe go ask ur parent wot mariage is al abot, neva in ur misrable lif acused islam, cos either of ur parent er muslims, in islam we do not habour people in mosques wen been kidnap,an dat is wot u do in chueches,, folish people,,,,.

  5. Modupe or what do u call yourself, let me ask you a simple question, which religion do you follow? If its chriatianity, i wnt you to quote a chapter 4 me in original Bible (Injil, the Gospel) not from the adotrated ones, that prophesiz about marriege, its all about knowledge and research, not innovations and fairy tales that is brainwashing you and hiding you from knowing the facet of morality, i know thats what your money mongers pastors tells you nowadays in the church just for them to save their ass’s, pls for God sake and peace if you dont know anything about Islam keeep your shut or……….i dont blame you sha, may be they got you out of wedlock, dirty idiot!

  6. D muslims here wan 2 kill demself.I can’t jus hold bak my laf. Its unfortunate dt we muslim r so stack 2 illiteracy.13yrs 2 b married is highly against humanity. Wht dos d child knw abt marriage? Asumin he made mention of 18yrs,piple wud hv considad, but 13 is 2 tenda as 2 b a wife.let’s b sincer 2 ourselves.let’s faz reality. Ds is nt fair,ds is wickedness. Can he subjet his dauta 2 such trauma n despicable act? Am sure he dosnt hv a child of dt age.he is indeed MAD.he is a lunatic.he is a confus senator dt nids his brain 2 b washd n so as odas who supots d evil act n cruelty. most real alfa dt heard of such dscredited d act n cald it barbaric. Nw u piple r here creditin him. Fuck u all, una no wok. U r nt a true ashamd of u.

  7. D muslims here wan 2 kill demself.I can’t jus hold bak my laf. Its unfortunate dt we muslim r so stack 2 illiteracy.13yrs 2 b married is highly against humanity. Wht dos d child knw abt marriage? Asumin he made mention of 18yrs,piple wud hv considad, but 13 is 2 tenda as 2 b a wife.let’s b sincer 2 ourselves.let’s faz reality. Ds is nt fair,ds is wickedness. Can he subjet his dauta 2 such trauma n despicable act? Am sure he dosnt hv a child of dt age.he is indeed MAD.he is a lunatic.he is a confus senator dt nids his brain 2 b washd n so as odas who supots d evil act n cruelty. most real alfa dt heard of such dscredited d act n cald it barbaric. Nw u piple r here creditin him. Fuck u all, una no wok. U r nt a true ashamd of u.

  8. U wid this idea of stoping parents from early marriage, we can call u a real stupid who doesn’t know anything conserning his religious background.if I may ask, pls tell how many girlschild of 13 to 16 yrs re impregnanted?visit any junior and senior secondary shcool of locality and see what is happening in the school toilet,and unfutinately no one is taking any precaution,bt naw dat a humble senator yarima done a legal marriage see hw inresponsible people biting his back from any part of d country.

  9. Its a shame some morons around here are supporting yerima, yerima is supposed 2 be in a zoo while ppl shld be payinf to c him inclusing all d so called muslims that are supporting him, nt all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims, imagine a world without these paedophiles that supports girl marriage.wouldn’t it be so amazing!? God will judge you all!

  10. That dumb-headed yerima of a senator…. I dislike him with passion…
    And to hell with islam too..what haven’t we experienced from the so called islamic people… BOKO HARAM/GENOCIDE IN SYRIA/EGYPT etc are these not islamic countries…
    You talk of islam like it’s some golden religion…
    Back to yerima… He’s a pervert,a demented-old-goon…. A frustrated-animal with a phd in idiocrasy

    if i had my way i would have ordered that his manhood be amputated ….
    And those of you supporting him out here.. I know y’all are muslims, now how many of you did your sisters marry at 13, oh some of you have teenage sisters why haven’t your stupid fathers given their hands in marraige…

    And if i have my way yet again i would request that islam be overrode from Nigeria… YOUR DOCTRINES Brings nothing but pains and bloodsheds… I wonder how yerima became a senator… NIGERIA is indeed in jeopardy

    i deslike islam with passion some dirty religion it is…… Washing their penis b4 praying..why not have sex b4 praying mtcheew… In fact how do muslim women pray…. Wash their pussies b4 praying bah….

    No wonder they behave like cows….. I hate islam i swear

  11. Micheal

    And if i have my way yet again i would request that islam be overrode from Nigeria… YOUR DOCTRINES Brings nothing but pains and bloodsheds… I wonder how yerima became a senator… NIGERIA is indeed in jeopardy

    @@[1:[0:1:But u can’t do anytin abt it

    Love Islam or hate dos nt tk anytn away 4rm it…dis wuman x rilly dumb” ]]

    What they have approved is a sin against God and humanity and must be stopped.

    @@[1:[0:1:in wich scriptre did she c dat 4rm?dis wuman x high wit ogoogoro cos she x mentally off balance..she nids a pyschologist seriously]]

  12. U’ll die and enter into hell-fire 4ever. @michael.
    Let me com 2 u Hilda or wateva u call ursef, u dont support early marriage bt can u tel us d number of children who was impregnated @ d age of evn lower than 13yrs?