Senator Asks Okonjo-Iweala, Ngama To Resign Over State Of Economy

okonjo-iwealaq1The Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonka -Iweala and her junior, Dr. Yerima Ngama have both been asked to resign if they lack ideas on how to run the economy.

Senator Abdulmumuni Muhammad Hassan, who stated this in an exclusive interview culled from LEADERSHIP SUNDAY said, “I believe the two ministers of finance are short of ideas and if that is the case, they should resign and allow other people to come in and inject fresh blood and ideas into the economy.”

According to him, “the minister of state was reported to have said that the budget cannot be implemented and yet, Ngozi is telling us that the economy is buoyant”.

The lawmaker also stated that, “Our sources of revenue has not decreased, nobody has come out to say there is a short fall. So why won’t they implement the budget fully? We the PDP are feeling guilty and ashamed of what is happening to the economy. Nobody doubts that they have good qualifications, but their ideas are exhausted and we advise them to resign and allow the president to bring in fresh blood into the system”.

Hassan, who represents Jigawa South/West Senatorial District in the upper chamber of the National Assembly and has sponsored three bills in the Senate, further stated that his bill on fire service will among other things compel the government to equip and upgrade the fire service by providing latest technology. It will also ensure that lives and property of Nigerians are saved from fire disasters.

It would be recalled that Comptroller General of the Federal Fire Service, Mr. Olusegun Okebiorun some few months ago said the country loses N50 billion to fire disasters annually.