Enugu State Government To Demolish Building Material Shops In Residential Areas

chime-sullivan09876543The Enugu State Government says it will soon commence demolition of building material shops located in residential areas of the state capital.

Mr Ike Ugwuegede, Commissioner for Enugu Capital Territory Development authority, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Enugu on Thursday.

Ugwuegede said the action was part of government’s efforts to sanitise the city and make life comfortable for residents.


The commissioner also said that such shops posed serious threat to people living in those houses.

According to him, all the shops on Nike Lake Road will be demolished as they are all illegal structures.

“There are places like the timber markets designated for sale of building materials but people chose to use residential buildings for such businesses.

“It is against the building master plan for the state. We have given notice of 30 days for such people to relocate, or have their shops demolished,’’ he said.

Ugwuegede urged landlords to prevent their tenants from using their residential buildings for sale of such materials like cement, rod, and timber.

“Government will no longer tolerate such act; landlords should stop tenants from converting residential buildings to markets.

He also warned local government councils in the urban cities, to stop issuing approvals for building plans, pointing out that it was the responsibility of the Ministry of Lands.

On collapsed buildings, the commissioner said it was collaborating with the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), to monitor the activities of quacks in the profession.

He said that it was aimed at forestalling cases of collapsed buildings in the state. (NAN)