Girl Stabs Lover 31 Times For Saying Another Woman’s Name In His Sleep



The media and society have a tendency to sensationalize domestic violence when the victim is a male. This mockery of abuse is oftentimes not taken seriously until someone ends up severely injured or dead.


A young woman of Jiangsu, a providence of China, pleaded for mercy and repentance in court after fαtally stabbing her high school sweetheart 31 times for murmuring another woman’s name in his sleep. After committing the grυesome mυrder, the woman fell asleep and cuddled with the blοοdy cοrpse until the morning. In court, Hong Hui ”expressed deep remorse” for her actions as the relatives of her deceased lover sobbed. Hui claims she and her boyfriend were planning to marry.

This story is reported just days after 49-year-old Raylene Yvette Jones of Ferndale, MI. Jones stabbed her  50-year-old husband in the buttοcks at a local motel on Wednesday evening for returning home late. When Ferndale Police arrived on the scene, the Jones attempted to cover up her actions by stating that her husband had fallen on glass and cut himself. According to police, when giving his side of the story, Jones’ husband said his wife was upset with him for coming home late and stabbed him with a knife.

With the growing number of men who are falling victim to domestic víolence, there should be a serious discussion centered around this problem.