Groups Kick As Amaechi Receives African Writers Quintessence Leadership Award

amaechiblasts1Gov. Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers and the speaker of the New Jersey General Assembly, Ms Sheila Oliver were on Sunday awarded African Writers Quintessence award for exemplary leadership.

The North America Correspondent of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that during the event, Port Harcourt, the Rivers capital was also unveiled as the UNESCO World Book Capital 2014, the city won the nomination having defeated Oxford and Moscow in the selection process.

In his remarks, Amaechi urged Nigerians to demand accountability and transparency from their leaders.

“The people are the core determinants of the dynamics of every society.

“It is commonplace to hear in Nigeria that our votes don’t matter, but I tell you that through constant participation and insistence on transparency and accountability in the electoral process, the people can eventually have their way.

“The system has no other choice but to be straightened out. The people remain the power-base of the nation.

“They determine the quality of leaders they get, and determine the direction of the governance. They can monitor accountability in governance and the strategic direction of the country.

“Never forget that the voice of the people will continue to remain the voice of God,” Amaechi said while receiving the award.

The event witnessed cultural display and goodwill messages from some Nigerian-American professors like Austine Okwu, Toyin Falola, Kalu Ogba, Ogaga Ifowodo and Wole Soyinka.

They described Amaechi as an achiever whose achievements in the state qualify him for the leadership award.

Soyinka was represented by Dr Yemi Ogunbiyi, former Managing Director of the defunct Daily Times of Nigeria.

Soyinka, Nigeria’s noble laureate in his remarks said “for us in the Book World, still basking in the glow of a Nigerian city bestowed with the honour of the World Book Capital for 2014, this is a much-deserved recognition.

“It would have given me enormous satisfaction to be able to be present and to share this moment, unfortunately I cannot. On behalf of my fellow writers and other partakers in the literary pursuit I say hearty felicitations.

“We look forward to next year in Port Harcourt, a historic capital city festooned with the written word with all its spiritually liberating manifestations.”

But in protest, the Director General of the Network for Defence of Democracy and Good Governance, Egberipapa Soboma-Jackrich II, the spokesman of the Concerned Kalabari People in the U. S, Chief Diepiriye Doulas condemned the award.

They said that the governor had in his first tenure in office, assured the state that “Rivers money is for Rivers people and we admired him.

“But this time around, the state revenue is being used to fund the G7 governors, groups and solidarity visits to the state government house in Port Harcourt.

“It is hard to believe that Amaechi, a South Southerner will be a key player to fight to unseat South Southerner from Aso Rock Villa.

“He has redirected the resources of the State for this unholy project and people are feeding fat on it. Nobody knows why he is so stubborn and ignoring the advice of elders.

“He has refused to humble himself, we are afraid he would stumble.’’ they stressed at the venue of event. (NAN)




  1. Those who gave the award are dead myopic.The recepiient Ameachi has not exhibited the qualities expected of a good leader.He has derailed democracy in Rivers State because of his high handedness,desplay of arrogance and ditatorial in handling any issue. In the state and beyond.His behavioour is akin to a psycchiatry patient.

  2. The award is well-deserved. Rt Hon Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi has proven that there are still patriotic and visionary Nigerians. We need more people like him in government. Tribal, regional religious sentiments apart, we ought to celebrate this great collosus instead of being blinded by the deceptive lies told by those who feel threatened by the achievements of our amiable governor.

  3. Those who disagree with this award are nothing but criminals in the creeks. Their opinions do not really matter because they should be remanded in jail instead of being given a pride of place in a civil society. Jonathan seeks nothing other than unnecessary cheap sympathy when he is the one causing mayhem in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He can pay people to cause problems and make so much noise on his behalf but he can never buy truth with his ill acquired wealth. Truth will prevail.