Senate Calls For Immortalization Of Akhigbe

senate-chamber_anti_terrorism_billThe Senate on Wednesday urged the Federal Government to immortalise the late former Chief of General Staff, Vice Admiral Mike Akhigbe, who died on Oct. 20 in the US.

The call followed a motion by Senators Domingo Obende (APC-Edo), Ehigie Uzamere and Odion Ugbesia, on the death Akhigbe.

Leading the motion, Obende noted that the late Akhigbe worked hard to reach the pinnacle of a fulfilling military career as the Chief of Naval Staff.

Obende said the deceased also served the country in various capacities which include the Military Governor of Ondo and Lagos States and the Flag Officer, Eastern Naval Command.

“His life was defined by the virtues of hard work, fearlessness, commitment and loyalty.

“He was a conscientious and dutiful officer who was in all respect, admirably equipped for his roles in the military and the larger society,’’ he said.

Sen. Ganiyu Solomon (APC-Lagos) said the deceased was an achiever who attached great importance to the development of the human mind.

“Akhigbe was an achiever who belonged to the elite class of the military. He also found time to pursue a course of study in law and went on to become a politician,’’ he said.

The Senate Leader, Sen. Victor Ndoma-Egba (PDP- Cross River), described the deceased as one of the major contributors to the entrenchment of the current democratic government in Nigeria.

“I knew him as someone who was a true officer and a true gentleman and always a man of principle.

“The legacy that we are enjoying today is the legacy of Akhigbe and Abdulsalam, who kept faith with the transition to democratic governance,’’ Ndom-Egba said.

In his tribute, Sen. Odion Ugbesia, described Akhigbe as an officer and gentleman whose life was “defined by the basic principle of hard work, honesty and humility’’.

Sen. Helen Esuene (PDP-Akwa Ibom) said the deceased was a staunch advocate for the unity of the nation, saying that “we would miss his wise and very cogent counsel on national issues’’.

“He was detribalised, amiable but firm. Even though a military man, he always gave room for others to express their views,’’ Esuene said.

The Senate President, Sen. David Mark, in a tribute, described Akhigbe as a patriot who was “extremely concerned about the unity of the country’’.

Mark said: “Admiral Akhigbe was a patriot in the true sense of the word. All through his life, things that affected the nation worried him so much.

“Throughout his military career, he always have this disposition of being very benevolent, understanding, attentive and he could listen for a very long time”, Mark said.

The Senate observed a one minute silence in honour of the deceased and named a six-member delegation to condole with his family, the people and government of Edo.

The delegation is to be led by the Chairman, Senate Committee on Navy, Sen. Chris Anyanwu.

The Senate on Wednesday also paid tributes to late Sen. Tari Sekibo, who died on Nov. 18.  (NAN)